Church History
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14–37. The Emperor Tiberius, § 22, 1.
41–54. The Emperor Claudius, § 22, 1.
44. Execution of James the Elder, § 16.
51. The Council at Jerusalem, § 18, 1.
54–68. The Emperor Nero, § 23, 1.
61. Paul’s Arrival at Rome, § 15.
63. Stoning of James the Just, § 16, 3.
64. Persecution of Christians in Rome, § 22, 1.
66–70. Jewish War, § 16.
81–96. The Emperor Domitian, § 22, 1.
98–117. The Emperor Trajan, § 22, 2.
115. (?) Ignatius of Antioch, Martyr, § 22, 2.
117–138. The Emperor Hadrian, § 22, 2. Basilides, Valentinus, § 22, 2, 4.
132–185. Revolt of Barcochba, § 25.
Abt.150. Celsus, § 23, 3. Marcion, § 27, 11.
138–161. The Emperor Antoninus Pius, § 22, 2.
155. Paschal Controversy between Polycarp and Amicetus, § 37, 2.
161–180. The Emperor Marcus Aurelius, § 22, 3.
165. Justin Martyr, § 30, 9.
166. (155?) Martyrdom of Polycarp, § 22, 3.
172. (156?) Montanus appears as a Prophet, § 40, 1.
177. Persecution of Christians at Lyons and Vienne, § 22, 3.
178. Irenæus made Bishop of Lyons, § 31, 2.
180–192. The Emperor Commodus, § 22, 3.
196. Paschal Controversy between Victor and Polycrates, § 37, 2.
202. Tertullian becomes Montanist, § 40, 2. Pantænus dies, § 31, 4.
220. Clement of Alexandria dies, § 31, 4.
235. Settlement of the Schism of Hippolytus, § 41, 1.
235–238. The Emperor Maximinus Thrax, § 22, 4.
243. Ammonius Saccus dies, § 25, 2.
244. Arabian Synod against Beryllus, § 33, 7.
249–251. The Emperor Decius, § 22, 5.
250. The Schism of Felicissimus, § 41, 2.
251. The Novatian Schism, § 41, 3.
253–260. The Emperor Valerian, § 22, 5.
254. Origen dies, § 31, 5.
255–256. Controversy about Heretics’ Baptism, § 35, 5.
258. Cyprian dies, § 31, 11.
260–268. The Emperor Gallienus. The Toleration Edict, § 22, 5.
262. Synod at Rome against Sabellius and Dionysius of Alexandria, § 33, 7.
269. Third Synod of Antioch against Paul of Samosata, § 33, 8.
276. Mani dies, § 29, 1.
284–305. The Emperor Diocletian, § 22, 6.
303. Beginning of Diocletian Persecution, § 22, 6.
306. Synod of Elvira, § 38, 3; 45, 2. Meletian Schism in Egypt, § 41, 4. Constantius Chlorus dies, § 22, 7.
311. Galerius dies, § 22, 6.
312. Constantine’s Expedition against Maxentius, § 22, 7. Donatist Schism in Africa, § 63, 1.
313. Edict of Milan, § 22, 7.
318. Arius is Accused, § 50, 1.
323–337. Constantine the Great, Sole Ruler, § 42, 2.
325. First Œcumenical Council at Nicæa, § 50, 1.
330–415. Meletian Schism at Antioch, § 50, 8.
335. Synod at Tyre, § 50, 2.
336. Athanasius Exiled. Arius dies, § 50, 2.
341. Council at Antioch, § 50, 2.
343. Persecution of Christians under Shapur II., § 64, 2.
344. Synod at Sardica, § 46, 3; 50, 2.
346. Council at Milan against Photinus, § 50, 2.
348. Ulfilas, Bishop of the Goths, § 76, 1.
350–361. Constantius, Sole Ruler, § 42, 2.
351. First Council at Sirmium against Marcellus, § 50, 2.
357. Second Council at Sirmium, Homoians, § 50, 3.
358. Third Council at Sirmium, § 50, 3.
359. Synods at Seleucia and Rimini, § 50, 3.
361–363. Emperor Julian the Apostate, § 42, 3.
362. Synod at Alexandria against Athanasius, § 50, 4.
366–384. Damasus I., Bishop of Rome, § 46, 4.
368. Hilary of Poitiers dies, § 47, 14.
373. Athanasius dies, § 47, 3.
379. Basil the Great dies, § 47, 4.
379–395. Theodosius the Great, Emperor, § 42, 4.
380. Synod at Saragossa, § 54, 2.
381. Second Œcumenical Council at Constantinople, § 50, 4. Ulfilas dies, § 76, 1.
384–398. Siricius, Bishop of Rome, § 46, 4.
385. Priscillian beheaded at Treves, § 54, 2.
390. Gregory Nazianzen dies, § 47, 4.
391. Destruction of the Serapeion at Alexandria, § 42, 6.
393. Council at Hippo Rhegius, § 59, 1.
397. Ambrose dies, § 47, 15.
399. Rufinus Condemned at Rome as an Origenist, § 51, 2.
400. Martin of Tours dies, § 47, 15.
402–417. Innocent I. of Rome, § 46, 5.
403. Synodus ad Quercum, § 51, 3. Epiphanius dies, § 47, 10.
407. Chrysostom dies, § 47, 8.
408–450. Theodosius II. in the East, § 52, 3.
411. Collatio cum Donatistis, § 63, 1.
412. Synod at Carthage against Cœlestius, § 53, 4.
415. Synods at Jerusalem and Diospolis against Pelagius, § 53, 4.
416. Synods at Mileve and Carthage against Pelagius, § 53, 4.
418. General Assembly at Carthage, § 53, 4. Roman Schism of Eulalius and Bonifacius, § 46, 6.
420. Jerome dies, § 47, 16. Persecution of Christians under Behram V., § 64, 2.
422–432. Cœlestine I., Bishop of Rome, § 46, 6.
428. Nestorius is made Patriarch of Constantinople, § 52, 3.
429. Theodore of Mopsuestia dies, § 47, 9. The Vandals in North Africa, § 76, 3.
430. Cyril’s Anathemas, § 52, 3. Augustine dies, § 47, 18.
481. Third Œcumenical Council at Ephesus, § 52, 8.
432. St. Patrick in Ireland, § 77, 1. John Cassianus dies, § 47, 21.
440–461. Leo I., the Great, § 46, 7; 47, 22.
444. Cyril of Alexandria dies, § 47, 6. Dioscurus succeeds Cyril, § 52, 4.
445. Rescript of Valentinian III., § 46, 7.
448. Eutyches excommunicated at Constantinople, § 52, 4.
449. Robber Synod at Ephesus, § 52, 4. Attack of Angles and Saxons upon Britain, § 77, 4.
451. Fourth Œcumenical Synod at Chalcedon, § 52, 4.
457. Theodoret dies, § 47, 9.
475. Semipelagian Synods at Arles and Lyons, § 53, 5.
476. Overthrow of the West Roman Empire, § 46, 8; 76, 6. Monophysite Encyclical of Basiliscus, § 52, 5.
482. Henoticon of the Emperor Zeno, § 52, 5. Severinus dies, § 76, 6.
484–519. The Thirty-five Years’ Schism between the East and West, § 52, 5.
492–496. Gelasius I., Bishop of Rome, § 46, 8; 47, 22.
496. Battle of Zülpich. Clovis baptized, § 76, 9.
502. Synodus Palmaris, § 46, 8.
517. Council at Epaon, § 76, 5.
527–565. Justinian I., Emperor, § 46, 9; 52, 6.
529. Synods at Oranges and Valence, § 53, 5. Monastic Rule of Benedict of Nursia, § 85. Suppression of the University of Athens, § 42, 4.
533. The Theopaschite Controversy, § 52, 6. Overthrow of the Vandal Empire, § 76, 3.
544. Condemnation of the “Three Chapters,” § 52, 6.
553. Fifth Œcumenical Council at Constantinople, § 52, 6.
554. Overthrow of the Ostrogoth Empire in Italy, § 76, 7.
563. Council at Braga, § 54, 2. St. Columba among the Picts and Scots, § 77, 2.
567. Founding of the Exarchate of Ravenna, § 46, 9.
568. The Longobards under Alboin in Italy, § 76, 8.
589. Council at Toledo under Reccared, § 76, 2. Columbanus and Gallus in the Vosges Country, § 77, 7.
590–604. Gregory I., the Great, § 46, 10; 47, 22.
595. Gregory of Tours dies, § 90, 2.
596. Augustine goes as Missionary to the Anglo-Saxons, § 77, 4.
597. St. Columba dies, § 77, 2. Ethelbert baptized, § 77, 4.
606. Emperor Phocas recognises the Roman Primacy, § 46, 10.
611–641. Heraclius, Emperor, § 52, 8.
615. Columbanus dies, § 77, 7.
622. Hejira, § 65.
625–638. Honorius I., Pope, § 46, 11.
636. Isidore of Seville dies, § 90, 2.
637. Omar conquers Jerusalem, § 65.
638. Monothelite Ecthesis of Heraclius, § 52, 8.
640. Omar conquers Egypt, § 65.
642–668. Constans II., Emperor, § 52, 8.
646. St. Gallus dies, § 78, 1.
648. The Typus of Constans II., § 52, 8.
649–653. Martin I., Pope, § 46, 11.
649. First Lateran Council under Martin I., § 52, 8.
652. Emmeran at Regensburg, § 78, 2.
657. Constantine of Mananalis, § 71, 1.
662. Maximus Confessor, dies, § 47, 13.
664. Synod at Streoneshalch (Syn. Pharensis), § 77, 6.
668–685. Constantinus Pogonnatus, § 52, 8; 71, 1.
677. Wilfrid among the Frisians, § 78, 3.
678–682. Agatho, Pope, § 46, 11.
680. Sixth Œcumenical Council at Constantinople (Trullanum I.), § 52, 8.
690. Wilibrord among the Frisians, § 78, 3.
692. Concilium Quinisextum (Trullanum II.), § 63, 3.
696. Rupert in Bavaria (Salzburg), § 78, 2.
711. The Saracens conquer Spain, § 81.
715–731. Pope Gregory II., § 66, 1; 78, 4.
716. Winifrid goes to the Frisians, § 78, 4.
717–741. Leo III., the Isaurian, Emperor, § 66, 1.
718. Winifrid in Rome, § 78, 4.
722. Winifrid in Thuringia and Hesse, § 78, 4.
723. Winifrid a second time at Rome, consecrated Bishop, etc., § 78, 4.
724. Destruction of the Wonder-working Oak at Geismar, § 78, 4.
726. Leo’s First Edict against Image Worship, § 66, 1.
730. Leo’s Second Edict against Image Worship, § 66, 1.
731. Gregory III., Pope, § 66, 1; 78, 4; 82, 1.
732. Boniface, Archbishop and Apostolic Vicar, § 78, 4. Battle at Poitiers, § 81. Separation of Illyria from the Roman See by Leo the Isaurian, § 66, 1.
735. The Venerable Bede dies, § 90, 2.
739. Wilibrord dies, § 78, 3.
741. Charles Martel dies, § 78, 5. Gregory III. dies. Leo the Isaurian dies.
741–752. Pope Zacharias, § 78, 5, 7; 82, 1.
741–775. Constantinus Copronymus, Emperor, § 66, 2.
742. Concilium Germanicum, § 78, 5.
743. Synod at Liptinä, § 78, 5; 86, 2.
744. Synod at Soissons, § 78, 5.
745. Boniface, Archbishop of Mainz, § 78, 5.
752. Childeric III. deposed, Pepin the Short, King, § 78, 5; 82, 1.
754. Iconoclastic Council at Constantinople, § 66, 2. Pepin’s donation to the Chair of St. Peter, § 82, 1.
755. Boniface dies, § 78, 7.
Abt.760. Rule of St. Chrodegang of Metz, § 84, 4.
767. Synod at Gentilliacum, § 91, 2; 92, 1.
768–814. Charlemagne, § 82, 2, 4; 90, 1, etc.
772–795. Pope Hadrian I., § 82, 2.
772. Destruction of Eresburg, § 78, 9.
774. Charlemagne’s donation to the Chair of St. Peter, § 82, 2.
785. Wittekind and Alboin are baptized, § 78, 9.
787. Seventh Œcumenical Council at Nicæa, § 66, 3. Founding of Cloister and Cathedral Schools, § 90, 1.
790. Libri Carolini, § 92, 1.
792. Synod at Regensburg, § 91, 1.
794. General Synod at Frankfort, § 91, 1; 92, 1.
795–816. Leo III., Pope, § 82, 3.
799. Alcuin’s disputation with Felix at Aachen, § 91, 1.
800. Leo III. crowns Charlemagne, § 82, 3.
804. End of the Saxon War, § 78, 9. Alcuin dies, § 90, 3.
809. Council at Aachen, on the Filioque, § 91, 2.
813–820. Leo the Armenian, Emperor, § 66, 4.
814–840. Louis the Pious, § 82, 4.
817. Reformation of Monasticism by Benedict of Aniane, § 85, 2.
820–829. Michael Balbus, Emperor, § 66, 4.
825. Synod at Paris against Image Worship, § 92, 1.
826. Theodorus Studita dies, § 66, 4. Ansgar in Denmark, § 80, 1.
827. Establishment of Saracen Sovereignty in Sicily, § 81.
829–842. Theophilus, Emperor, § 66, 4.
833. Founding of the Archbishopric of Hamburg, § 80, 1.
835. Synod at Didenhofen, § 82, 4.
839. Claudius of Turin dies. Agobard of Lyons dies, § 90, 4.
840–877. Charles the Bald, § 90, 1.
842. Feast of Orthodoxy, § 66, 4. Theodora recommends the outrooting of the Paulicians, § 71, 1.
843. Compact of Verdun, § 82, 5.
844. Eucharist Controversy of Paschasius Radbertus, § 91, 3.
845–882. Hincmar of Rheims, § 83, 2; 90, 5.
847. Archbishopric of Hamburg-Bremen, § 80, 1
848. Synod of Mainz against Gottschalk, § 91, 5.
850–859. Persecution of Christians in Spain, § 81, 1.
851–852. The Decretals of the Pseudo-Isidore, § 87, 2, 3.
853. Synod of Quiersy. Capitula Carisiaca, § 91, 5.
855. Synod at Valence in favour of Gottschalk, § 91, 5.
856. Rabanus Maurus dies, § 90, 4.
858–867. Pope Nicholas I., § 82, 7.
858. Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople, § 67, 1.
859. Synod of Savonnières, § 91, 5.
861. Methodius goes to the Bulgarians, § 73, 3.
863. Cyril and Methodius go to Moravia, § 79, 2.
865. Ansgar dies, § 80, 1.
866. Encyclical of Photius, § 67, 1.
867–886. Basil the Macedonian, Emperor, § 67, 1.
867–872. Hadrian II., Pope, § 82, 7.
869. Eighth Œcumenical Council of the Latins at Constantinople § 67, 1.
870. Treaty of Mersen, § 82, 5.
871. Basil the Macedonian puts down the Paulicians, § 71, 1. Borziwoi and Ludmilla baptized, § 79, 3.
871–901. Alfred the Great, § 90, 9.
875. John VIII. crowns Charles the Bald Emperor, § 82, 8.
879. Eighth Œcumenical Council of the Greeks at Constantinople, § 67, 1.
886–911. Leo the Philosopher, Emperor, § 67, 2.
891. Photius dies, § 67, 1.
910. Abbot Berno founds Clugny, § 98, 1.
911. The German Carolingians die out, § 82, 3.
911–918. Conrad I., King of the Germans, § 96, 1.
914–928. Pope John X., § 96, 1.
919–936. Henry I., King of the Germans, § 96, 1.
934. Henry I. enforced toleration of Christianity in Denmark, § 93, 2.
936–973. Otto I., Emperor, § 96, 1.
942. Odo of Clugny founds the Clugniac Congregation, § 98, 1.
950. Gylas of Hungary baptized, § 93, 8.
955. Olga baptized in Constantinople, § 73, 4.
960. Atto of Vercelli dies, § 100, 3.
962. Founding of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, § 96, 1.
963. Synod at Rome deposes John XII., § 96, 1.
966. Miecislaw of Poland baptized, § 93, 7.
968. Founding of Archbishopric of Magdeburg, § 93, 9.
970. Migration of Paulicians to Thrace, § 71, 1.
973–983. Otto II., Emperor, § 96, 2.
974. Ratherius of Verona dies, § 100, 3.
983–1002. Otto III., Emperor, § 96, 2, 3.
983. Mistewoi destroys all Christian establishments among the Wends, § 93, 9.
987. Hugh Capet is made King of France, § 96, 2.
988. Wladimir Christianizes Russia, § 73, 4.
992–1025. Boleslaw Chrobry of Poland, § 93, 7.
996–999. Pope Gregory V., § 96, 2.
997–1038. Stephen the Saint, § 93, 8.
997. Adalbert of Prague, Apostle of Prussia, dies, § 93, 13.
999–1003. Pope Sylvester II., § 96, 3.
1000. Olaf Tryggvason dies, § 93, 4.
Christianity introduced into Iceland and Greenland, § 93, 5.
Stephen of Hungary secures the throne, § 93, 8.
1002–1024. Henry II., Emperor, § 96, 4.
1008. Olaf Skautkoning of Sweden baptized, § 93, 3.
1009. Bruno martyred, § 93, 13.
1012–1024. Pope Benedict VIII., § 96, 4.
1014–1036. Canute the Great, § 93, 2.
1018. Romuald founds the Camaldulensian Congregation, § 98, 1.
1024–1039. Conrad II., Emperor, § 96, 4.
1030. Olaf the Thick of Norway dies, § 93, 4.
1031. Overthrow of the Ommaides in Spain, § 95, 2.
1039–1056. Henry II., Emperor, § 96, 4, 5.
1041. Treuga Dei, § 105, 1.
1046. Synod at Sutri, § 96, 4.
1049–1054. Pope Leo IX., § 96, 5.
1050. Synods at Rome and Vercelli against Berengar, § 101, 2.
1053. Epistle of Michael Cærularius, § 67, 3.
1054. Excommunication of Greek Church by Papal Legates, § 67, 3.
1056–1106. Henry IV., Emperor, § 96, 6–11.
1059. Pope Nicholas II. assigns the choice of Pope to the College of Cardinals, § 96, 6.
1060. Robert Guiscard founds the Norman Sovereignty in Italy, § 95, 1.
1066. Murder of Gottschalk, King of the Wends, § 93, 9.
1073–1085. Pope Gregory VII., § 96, 7–9.
1075. Gregory’s third Investiture Enactment, § 96, 7.
1077. Henry IV. as a Penitent at Canossa, § 96, 8.
1079. Berengar subscribes at Rome the doctrine of Transubstantiation, § 101, 2.
1086. Bruno of Cologne founds the Carthusian Order, § 98, 2.
1088–1099. Pope Urban II., § 96, 10.
1095. Synod at Clermont, § 94.
1096. First Crusade. Godfrey of Boulogne, § 94, 1.
1098. Synod at Bari. Anselm of Canterbury, § 67, 4. Robert of Citeaux founds the Cistercian Order, § 98, 1.
1099. Conquest of Jerusalem, § 94, 1.
1099–1118. Pope Paschalis II., § 96, 11.
1106–1125. Henry V., Emperor, § 96, 11.
1106. Michael Psellus dies, § 68, 5.
1109. Anselm of Canterbury dies, § 101, 1, 3.
1113. Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux, § 98, 1; 102, 3.
1118. Founding of the Order of Knights Templar. Knights of St. John, § 98, 7. Basil, head of Bogomili, sent to the stake, § 71, 4.
1119–1124. Calixtus II., Pope, § 96, 11.
1121. Norbert founds the Præmonstratensian Order, § 98, 2.
1122. Concordat of Worms, § 96, 11.
1123. Ninth Œcumenical Council (First Lateran), § 96, 11.
1124. First Missionary Journey of Otto of Bamberg, § 93, 10.
1126. Peter of Bruys burnt, § 108, 7.
1128. Second Missionary Journey of Otto of Bamberg, § 93, 10.
1130–1143. Pope Innocent II., § 96, 13.
1135. Rupert of Deutz dies, § 102, 8.
1139. Tenth Œcumenical Council (Second Lateran), § 96, 13.
1141. Synod at Sens condemns Abælard’s writings, § 102, 2. Hugo St. Victor dies, § 102, 4.
1142. Abælard dies, § 102, 2.
1143. Founding of the Roman Commune, § 96, 13.
1145–1153. Pope Eugenius III., § 96, 13.
1146. Fall of Edessa, § 94, 2.
1147. Second Crusade. Conrad III. Louis VII., § 94, 2.
1149. Henry of Lausanne dies, § 108, 7.
1150. Decretum Gratiani, § 99, 5.
1152–1190. Frederick I., Barbarossa, § 96, 14.
1153. Bernard of Clairvaux dies, § 102, 3.
1154. Vicelin dies, § 93, 9.
1154–1159. Hadrian IV., Pope, § 96, 14.
1155. Arnold of Brescia put to death, § 96, 14.
1156. Peter the Venerable dies, § 98, 1. Founding of Carmelite Order, § 98, 3.
1157. Introduction of Christianity into Finland, § 93, 11.
1159–1181. Pope Alexander III., § 96, 15, 16.
1164. Peter the Lombard dies, § 102, 5. Council of Clarendon, § 96, 16.
1167. Council at Toulouse (Cathari), § 108, 2.
1168. Christianity of the Island of Rügen, § 93, 10.
1169. Gerhoch of Reichersberg dies, § 102, 6, 7.
1170. Thomas Becket murdered, § 96, 16. Founding of the Waldensian sect, § 108, 10.
1176. Battle of Legnano, § 6, 15.
1179. Eleventh Œcumenical Council (Third Lateran), § 96, 15.
1180. John of Salisbury dies, § 102, 9.
1182. Maronites are attached to Rome, § 73, 3.
1184. Meinhart in Livonia, § 93, 12.
1187. Saladin conquers Jerusalem, § 94, 3.
1189. Third Crusade. Frederick Barbarossa, § 94, 8.
1190–1197. Henry VI., Emperor, § 96, 16.
1190. Founding of Order of Teutonic Knights, § 98, 8.
1194. Eustathius of Thessalonica dies, § 68, 5.
1198–1216. Pope Innocent III., § 96, 17, 18.
1202. Joachim of Floris dies, § 108, 5. Founding of Order of the Brothers of the Sword, § 93, 12. Genghis Khan destroys Kingdom of Prester John, § 72, 1.
1204–1261. Latin Empire in Constantinople, § 94, 4.
1207. Stephen Langton, Archbishop of Canterbury, § 96, 18.
1208. Peter of Castelnau slain, § 109, 1.
1209–1229. Albigensian Crusade, § 109, 1.
1209. Council of Paris against Sect of Amalrich of Bena, § 108, 4.
1212. Battle at Tolosa, § 95, 2.
1213. John Lackland receives England as a Papal Fief, § 96, 18.
1215–1250. Frederick II., Emperor, § 96, 17, 19, 20.
1215. Twelfth Œcumenical Council (Fourth Lateran), § 96, 18.
1216. Confirmation of the Dominican Order, § 98, 5.
1216–1227. Pope Honorius III., § 96, 19.
1217. Fourth Crusade. Andrew II. of Hungary, § 94, 4.
1223. Confirmation of Franciscan Order, § 98, 3.
1226. Francis of Assisi dies, § 98, 3.
1226–1270. Louis IX., the Saint, § 94, 6; 93, 15.
1227–1241. Pope Gregory IX., § 96, 19.
1228. Fifth Crusade. Frederick II., § 94, 5. Settlement of the Teutonic Knights in Prussia, § 93, 13.
1229. Synod at Toulouse, § 109, 2.
1231. St. Elizabeth dies, § 105, 3.
1232. Inquisition Tribunal set up, § 109, 2.
1233. Conrad of Marburg slain, § 109, 3.
1234. Crusade against Stedingers, § 109, 3.
1237. Union of the Order of Sword with that of Teutonic Knights, § 98, 8.
1243–1254. Pope Innocent IV., § 96, 20.
1245. Thirteenth Œcumenical Council (first of Lyons), § 96, 20. Alexander of Hales died, § 103, 4.
1248. Foundation stone of Cathedral of Cologne laid, § 104, 11. Sixth Crusade, Louis IX., § 94, 6.
1253. Robert Grosseteste dies, § 103, 1.
1254. Condemnation of the “Introductorius in evanglium œternum,” § 108, 5.
1260. First Flagellant Campaign in Perugia, § 107, 1.
1260–1282. Michael Paläologus, Emperor, § 67, 4.
1261–1264. Urban IV., Pope, § 96, 20.
1262. Arsenian Schism, § 70, 1.
1268. Conradin on the Scaffold, § 96, 20.
1269. Pragmatic Sanction of Louis IX., § 96, 21.
1270. Seventh Crusade, Louis IX., § 94, 6.
1271–1276. Pope Gregory X., § 96, 21.
1272. Italian Mission to the Mongols. Marco Polo § 93, 15. David of Augsburg dies, § 103, 10. Bertholdt of Regensburg dies, § 104, 1.
1273–1291. Rudolph of Hapsburg, Emperor, § 96, 21, 22.
1274. Fourteenth Œcumenical Council (second of Lyons), § 96, 21. Thomas Aquinas dies, § 103, 6. Bona ventura dies, § 103, 4.
1275. Strassburg Minster, § 104, 13.
1280. Albert the Great dies, § 103, 5.
1282. Sicilian Vespers, § 96, 22.
1283. Prussia subdued, § 93, 13.
1286. Barhabraeus dies, § 72, 2.
1291. Fall of Acre, § 94, 6. John of Montecorvino among the Mongols, § 93, 16.
1294. Roger Bacon dies, § 103, 8.
1294–1303. Boniface VIII., Pope, § 110, 1.
1296. Bull Clericis laicos, § 110, 1.
1300. First Roman Jubilee, § 117. Lollards at Antwerp, § 116, 2. Gerhard Segarelli burnt, § 108, 8.
1302. Bull Unam Sanctam, § 110, 1.
1305–1314. Pope Clement V., § 110, 2.
1307. Dolcino burnt, § 108, 4.
1308. Duns Scotus dies, § 113, 1.
1309–1377. Residence of Popes at Avignon, § 110, 2–4.
1311–1312. Fifteenth Œcumenical Council at Vienne, § 110, 2. Suppression of Templar Order, § 112, 7.
1314–1347. Louis the Bavarian, Emperor, § 110, 3, 4.
1315. Raimund Lullus dies, § 93, 17; 103, 5.
1316–1334. Pope John XXII., § 110, 3; 112, 2.
1321. Dante dies, § 116, 6.
1322. Split in the Franciscan Order, § 112, 2.
1327. Meister Eckhart dies, § 114, 1.
1334–1342. Pope Benedict XII., § 110, 4.
1335. Bishop Hemming in Lapland, § 93, 11.
1338. Electoral Union at Rheuse, § 110, 5.
1339. Union negotiations at Avignon. Barlaam, § 67, 5.
1340. Nicholas of Lyra dies, § 113, 7.
1341–1351. Hesychast Controversy in Constantinople, § 69, 1.
1342–1352. Pope Clement VI., § 110, 4.
1346–1378. Charles IV., Emperor, § 110, 4.
1347. Rienzi, § 110, 4. Emperor Louis dies, § 110, 4.
1348. Founding of University of Prague, § 119, 3.
1348–1350. Black Death. Flagellant Campaign, § 116, 3.
1349. Thomas Bradwardine dies, § 113, 2.
1352–1362. Pope Innocent VI., § 110, 4.
1356. Charles IV. issues the Golden Bull, § 110, 4.
1360. Wiclif against the Begging Friars, § 119, 1.
1361. John Tauler dies, § 114, 2.
1362–1370. Pope Urban V., § 110, 4.
1366. Henry Suso dies, § 114, 5.
1367–1370. Urban V. in Rome, § 110, 4.
1369. John Paläologus passes over to the Latin Church, § 67, 5.
1370–1378. Pope Gregory XI., § 110, 4.
1374. Dancers, § 116, 3.
1377. Return of the Curia to Rome, § 110, 4.
1378–1417. Papal Schism, § 110, 6.
1380. Catharine of Siena dies, § 112, 4.
1384. Wiclif dies, § 119, 1. Gerhard Groot dies, § 112, 9.
1386. Introduction of Christianity into Lithuania, § 93, 14.
1400. Florentius Radewin dies, § 112, 9.
1402. Hus becomes Preacher in the Bethlehem Chapel, § 119, 3.
1409. Œcumenical Council at Pisa, § 110, 6. Withdrawal of the Germans from Prague, § 119, 3.
1410–1415. John XXIII., Pope, § 110, 7.
1410–1437. Sigismund, Emperor, § 110, 7, 8.
1412. Traffic in Indulgences in Bohemia, § 119, 4.
1413. Papal Ban against Hus, § 119, 4.
1414–1418. Sixteenth Œcumenical Council at Constance, § 110, 6; 119, 5.
1415. Hus obtains the crown of martyrdom, § 119, 5.
1416. Jerome of Prague martyred, § 119, 5.
1417–1431. Pope Martin V., § 110, 7.
1420. Calixtines and Taborites, § 119, 7.
1423. General Councils at Pavia and Siena, § 110, 7.
1424. Ziska dies, § 119, 7.
1425. Peter D’Ailly dies, § 118, 3.
1429. Gerson dies, § 118, 3.
1431–1447. Pope Eugenius IV., § 110, 7.
1431–1449. Seventeenth Œcumenical Council at Basel, § 110, 8; 119, 5–7.
1433. Basel Compacts, § 119, 7.
1434. Overthrow of Hussites at Böhmischbrod, § 119, 7.
1438. Papal Counter-Council at Ferrara, § 110, 8. Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges, § 110, 9.
1439. Council at Florence, § 67, 6.
1448. Concordat of Vienna, § 110, 9.
1453. Fall of Constantinople, § 67, 6.
1457. Laurentius Valla dies, § 120, 1.
1458–1464. Pope Pius II., § 110, 11.
1459. Congress of Princes at Mantua, § 110, 10.
1464–1471. Pope Paul II., § 110, 11.
1467. Convention of Bohemian Brethren at Lhota, § 119, 8.
1471. Thomas à Kempis dies, § 114, 5.
1471–1484. Sixtus IV., Pope, § 110, 11.
1483. Luther born on November 10th, § 122, 1. Spanish Inquisition, § 117, 1. Close of Corpus juris canonici, § 99, 5.
1484–1492. Innocent VIII., Pope, § 110, 11.
1484. Zwingli born January 1st, § 130, 1. Bull Summis desiderantes, § 117, 4.
1485. Rudolph Agricola dies, § 120, 3.
1489. John Wessel dies, § 119, 10.
1492–1503. Alexander VI., Pope, § 110, 12.
1492. Fall of Granada, § 95, 2.
1493–1519. Maximilian I., Emperor, § 110, 13.
1497. Melanchthon born, § 122, 5.
1498. Savonarola sent to the stake, § 119, 11.
1502. Founding of University of Wittenberg, § 122, 1.
1503–1513. Pope Julius II., § 110, 13.
1506. Rebuilding of St. Peter’s at Rome, § 115, 13.
1508. Luther becomes Professor at Wittenberg, § 122, 1.
1509. Calvin born on July 10th, § 138, 2.
1509–1547. Henry VIII. of England, § 139, 4.
1511. Luther’s journey to Rome, § 122, 1. Council at Pisa, § 110, 13.
1512. Luther made Doctor of the Holy Scriptures and Preacher, § 112, 1.
1512–1517. Fifth Lateran Council, § 110, 13, 14.
1513–1521. Pope Leo X., § 110, 14.
1514. Reuchlin’s contest with the Dominicans, § 120, 4.
1516. Epistolæ Obscur. virorum, § 120, 5. Erasmus edits the New Testament, § 120, 6. Zwingli preaches at Mariä Einsiedeln, § 130, 1.
1517. Luther’s Theses, October 31st, § 122, 2.
1518. Luther at Heidelberg and before Cajetan at Augsburg, § 122, 3. Melanchthon Professor at Wittenberg, § 122, 5.
1519. Miltitz, § 122, 3. Disputation at Leipzig, § 122, 4. Zwingli in Zürich, § 130, 1. Olaf and Laurence Peterson in Sweden, § 139, 1.
1519–1556. Emperor Charles V., § 123, 5.
1520. Bull of Excommunication against Luther, § 123, 2. Christian II. in Denmark, § 139, 2.
1521. Luther at Worms, § 123, 7. Melanchthon’s Loci, § 124, 1. Beginning of Reformation in Riga, § 139, 3.
1521–1522. The Wartburg Exile, § 123, 8.
1522. The Prophets of Zwickau in Wittenberg, § 124, 1. Reuchlin dies, § 120, 4.
1522–1523. Pope Hadrian VI., § 126, 1.
1523. Thomas Münzer in Allstädt, § 124, 4. Luther’s contest with Henry VIII., § 125, 3. First Martyrs, Voes and Esch, § 128, 1. Sickingen’s defeat, § 124, 2.
1523–1534. Pope Clement VII., § 149, 1.
1524. Staupitz dies, § 112, 2. Carlstadt in Orlamünde, § 124, 3. Erasmus against Luther, § 125, 2. Diet of Nuremberg, § 126, 2. Regensburg League, § 126, 3. Hans Tausen in Denmark, § 139, 2. Founding of Theatine Order, § 149, 7.
1525. Eucharist Controversy, § 131, 1. Luther’s Marriage, § 129. Albert of Prussia, Hereditary Duke, § 126, 4. Founding of the Capuchin Order, § 149, 7.
1525–1532. John the Constant, Elector of Saxony, § 124, 5.
1526. Synod at Hamburg, § 127, 2. Torgau League, § 126, 5. Diet at Spires, § 126, 6. Disputation at Baden, § 130, 6.
1527. Diet at Odense, § 139, 2; and at Westeräs, § 139, 1.
1528. The Pact incident, § 132, 1. Disputation at Bern, § 130, 7.
1529. Church Visitation of Saxony, § 127, 1. Diet at Spires, § 132, 3. Marburg Conference, § 132, 4. First Peace of Cappel, § 130, 9.
1530. Diet at Augsburg. Conf. Augustana, June 25th, § 132, 6, 7.
1531. Schmalcald League, § 133, 1. Zwingli dies. Second Peace of Cappel, § 130, 10.
1532–1547. John Frederick the Magnanimous, Elector of Saxony, § 133, 2.
1532. Religious Peace of Nuremberg, § 133, 2. Farel at Geneva, § 138, 1. Henry VIII. renounces authority of the Pope, § 139, 4.
1534. Luther’s complete Bible Translation, § 129, 1. Reformation in Württemberg, § 133, 3.
1534–1535. Anabaptist Troubles in Münster, § 133, 6.
1534–1549. Pope Paul III., § 149, 2.
1535. Vergerius in Wittenberg, § 134, 1. Calvin’s Institutio rel. Christ., § 138, 5.
1536. Erasmus dies, § 120, 6. Wittenberg Concord, § 133, 8. Calvin in Geneva, § 138, 2. Diet at Copenhagen, § 139, 2. Menno Simons baptized, § 147, 1.
1537. Schmalcald Articles, § 134, 1. Antinomian Controversy, § 141, 1.
1538. Nuremberg League, § 134, 2. Calvin Expelled from Geneva, § 138, 3.
1539. Outbreak at Frankfort, § 134, 3. Reformation in Albertine Saxony, § 134, 4. Joachim II. reforms Brandenburg, § 134, 5. Diet at Odense, § 139, 2.
1540. The Society of Jesus, § 149, 8. Double Marriage of the Landgrave, § 135, 1. Religious Conferences at Spires, Hagenau, and Worms, § 135, 2.
1541. Carlstadt dies, § 124, 3. Interim of Regensburg, § 135, 3. Naumburg Episcopate, § 135, 5. Calvin returns to Geneva, § 138, 3, 4.
1542. Reformation in Brunswick, § 135, 6. National Assembly at Bonn, § 135, 7. Francis Xavier in the East Indies, § 150, 1. Roman Inquisition, § 139, 23.
1544. Diet at Spires, Peace of Crespy, Wittenberg Reformation § 135, 9. Diet at Westeräs, § 139, 1.
1545. Synod at Erdöd, § 139, 20.
1545–1547. Nineteenth Œcumenical Council at Trent, § 136, 4; 149, 2.
1546. Regensburg Conference: Murder of John Diaz, § 135, 10. Luther dies, February 18th, § 135, 11. Reformation in the Palatinate, § 135, 6.
1546–1547. Schmalcald War, § 136.
1547–1553. Edward VI. of England, § 139, 5.
1547. Hermann of Cologne resigns, § 136, 2.
1548–1572. Sigismund Augustus, of Poland, § 139, 18.
1548. Interim of Augsburg, § 136, 5. Adiaphorist Controversy, § 141, 5. Priests of the Oratory, § 149, 7.
1549. Consensus Tigurinus, § 138, 7. Andrew Osiander at Königsburg, § 141, 2. Jesuit Mission in Brazil, § 150, 3. The first Jesuits in Germany (Ingolstadt), § 151, 2.
1550–1555. Pope Julius III., § 136, 8.
1550. Brothers of Mercy, § 149, 7.
1551. Resumption of Tridentine Council, § 136, 8; 149, 2.
1552. Compact of Passan, § 137, 3. Outbreak of Crypto-Calvinist Controversy, § 141, 9. Francis Xavier dies, § 150, 1.
1553–1558. Mary the Catholic of England, § 139, 5.
1553. Elector Maurice dies, § 137, 4. Servetus burnt, § 148, 2.
1554. Consensus Pastorum Genevensium, § 138, 7. John Frederick the Magnanimous dies, § 137, 8.
1555. Religious Peace of Augsburg, § 137, 5. Outbreak of Synergist Controversies, § 141, 7.
1555–1598. Philip II. of Spain, § 139, 21.
1556–1564. Ferdinand I., Emperor, § 137, 8.
1556. Loyola dies, § 149, 8.
1557. National Assembly at Clausenburg and Confessio Hungarica, § 139, 20.
1558. Frankfort Recess, § 141, 11.
1558–1603. Elizabeth of England, § 139, 6.
1559. Gustavus Vasa’s Mission to the Lapps, § 142, 7. Confessio Gallicana, § 139, 14. The English Act of Uniformity, § 139, 6.
1560–1565. Pope Pius IV., § 149, 2.
1560. Confessio Scotica, § 139, 9. John a Lasco dies, § 139, 18. Calvinizing of the Palatinate, § 144, 1. Melanchthon dies, § 141, 10.
1561. Gotthard Kettler, Duke of Courland, § 139, 8. Religious Conference at Poissy, § 139, 14. Mary Stuart in Scotland, § 139, 10. Princes’ Diet at Naumburg, § 141, 11.
1562–1563. Resumption and Close of Tridentine Council, § 149, 2.
1562. Confessio Belgica, § 139, 12. The XXXIX. Articles of the English Church, § 139, 6. Calvinizing of Bremen, § 144, 2. Heidelberg Catechism, § 144, 1. Lælius Socinus dies, § 148, 4.
1564. Calvin dies, § 138, 4. Professio fidei Tridentinœ, § 149, 14. Cassander’s Union Proposals, § 137, 8. Maulbronn Convention, § 144, 1.
1564–1576. Emperor Maximilian II., § 137, 8.
1566. Catechasimo Romanus, § 149, 10. Confessio Helvetica posterior, § 138, 7. The League of “the Beggars,” § 139, 12.
1567. The writings of Michael Baius condemned, § 149, 13.
1570. General Synod at Sendomir, § 139, 13. Peace of St. Germains, § 139, 15.
1572–1585. Pope Gregory XIII., § 149, 3.
1572. John Knox dies, § 139, 11. Bloody Marriage of Paris, August 24th, § 139, 16.
1573. Pax dissidentium in Poland, § 139, 18.
1574. Maulbronn Convention, § 141, 12. Restoration of Catholicism in Eichsfelde, § 151, 1.
1575. Confessio Bohemica, § 139, 19.
1576. Book of Torgau, § 141, 12. Pacification of Ghent, § 139, 12.
1576–1612. Rudolph II., Emperor, § 137, 8.
1577. The Formula of Concord, § 141, 12. Restoration of Catholicism in Fulda, § 151, 1.
1578. The Jesuit Possevin in Sweden, § 151, 3.
1579. The Union of Utrecht, § 139, 12.
1580. Book of Concord, § 141, 12.
1582. Second Attempt at Reformation in Cologne, § 137, 6. Matthew Ricci in China, § 150, 1. Reform of Calendar, § 149, 3.
1585–1590. Pope Sixtus V., § 149, 3.
1587. Mary Stuart on the Scaffold, § 139, 10.
1588. Louis Molina, § 149, 13.
1589–1610. Henry IV. of France, § 139, 17.
1589. Patriarchate at Moscow, § 73, 4.
1592. Saxon Articles of Visitation, § 141, 13.
1593. Assembly of Representatives at Upsala, § 139, 1.
1595. Synod at Thorn, § 139, 18.
1596. Synod at Brest, § 151, 3.
1597. Calvinizing the Principality of Anhalt, § 144, 3. Congregatio de auxiliis, § 149, 13.
1598. Edict of Nantes, § 139, 17.
1600. Giordano Bruno at the Stake, § 146, 8.
1604. Faustus Socinus dies, § 148, 4.
1605. Landgrave Maurice calvinizes Hesse Cassel, § 154, 1. Gunpowder Plot, § 153, 6.
1606. The Treaty of Vienna, § 139, 10. Interdict on the Republic of Venice, § 156, 2.
1608. Founding the Jesuit State of Paraguay, § 156, 10.
1609. The Royal Letter, § 193, 19.
1610–1643. Louis XIII. of France, § 153, 3.
1610. Remonstrants and Counter-Remonstrants, § 160, 2.
1611. Pères de l’Oratoire, § 156, 7.
1612–1619. Matthias, Emperor, § 153, 1.
1613. Elector John Sigismund of Brandenburg goes over to Reformed Church, § 154, 3. George Calixtus in Helmstädt, § 159, 2.
1614. Confessio Marchica, § 154, 3.
1616. Leonard Hutter dies, § 159, 4.
1618. Monks of St. Maur in France, § 156, 7.
1618–1648. The Thirty Years’ War, § 153, 2.
1618–1619. Synod of Dort, § 161, 2.
1619–1637. Ferdinand II., Emperor, § 153, 2.
1620. The Valteline Massacre, § 153, 3. The Pilgrim Fathers, § 143, 2.
1621. John Arndt dies, § 160, 1.
1622. Francis de Sales dies, § 157, 1. Congregatio de propaganda fide, § 156, 9.
1624. End of Controversy over κένωσις and κρύψις, § 159, 1. Jac. Böhme dies, § 160, 2.
1628. Adam Schall in China, § 156, 12.
1629. Edict of Restitution, § 153, 2.
1631. Religious Conference at Leipzig, § 155, 4.
1632. Gustavus Adolphus falls at Lützen, § 153, 2.
1637. John Gerhard dies, § 159, 4. Rooting out of Christianity in Japan, § 156, 11.
1638. Overthrow of Racovian Seminary, § 148, 4. Cyril Lucar strangled, § 152, 2. Scottish Covenant, § 155, 1.
1641. Irish Massacre, § 153, 5.
1642. Condemnation of the “Augustinus” of Jansen, § 157, 5.
1643–1715. Louis XIV. of France, § 153, 2; 157, 2, 3, 5.
1643. Orthodox Confession of Peter Mogilas, § 152, 3. Opening of Westminster Assembly, § 155, 1.
1645. Hugo Grotius dies, § 153, 7. Religious Conference at Thorn, § 153, 7. Peace of Linz, § 153, 3.
1645–1742. Accommodation Controversy, § 156, 12.
1647. George Fox appears as Leader of the Quakers, § 163, 4.
1648. Peace of Westphalia, § 153, 2, Close of Westminster Assembly, § 155, 1.
1649. Execution of Charles I. of England, § 155, 1.
1650. Descartes dies, § 164, 1.
1652. Liturgical Reform of the Patriarch Nikon, § 163, 10.
1653. Innocent X. condemns the Five Propositions of Jansen, § 157, 5. Barebones’ Parliament, § 155, 2.
1654. Christina of Sweden becomes a Catholic, § 153, 1. John Val. Andreä dies, § 160, 1.
1655. The Bloody Easter in Piedmont, § 153, 5. Consensus repetitus fidei vere Lutheranœ, § 159, 2.
1656. George Calixtus dies, § 159, 2. Pascal’s Lettres Provinciales, § 157, 5.
1658. Outbreak of Cocceian Controversies, § 161, 5.
1660. Vincent de Paul dies, § 156, 8. Restoration of Royalty and Episcopacy in England, § 155, 3.
1661. Religions Conference at Cassel, § 154, 4.
1664. Founding of Order of Trappists, § 156, 8.
1669. Cocceius dies, § 161, 3.
1670. The Labadists in Herford, § 163, 7.
1673. The Test Act, § 153, 6.
1675. Formula consensus Helvetici, § 161, 2. Spener’s Pia Desideria, § 159, 3.
1676. Paul Gerhardt dies, § 154, 4. Voetius dies, § 161, 3.
1677. Spinoza dies, § 164, 1.
1682. Quatuor propositiones Cleri Gallicani, § 156, 1. Founding of Pennsylvania, § 163, 4.
1685. Revocation of Edict of Nantes and Expulsion of Waldensians from Piedmont, § 153, 4, 5.
1686. Spener at Dresden and Collegia philobiblica in Leipzig, § 159, 3. Abraham Calov dies, § 159, 4.
1687. Michael Molinos forced to Abjure, § 157, 2.
1689. English Act of Toleration, § 155, 3. Return of banished Waldensians, § 153, 5.
1690. The Pietists Expelled from Leipzig, § 159, 3.
1691. Spener in Berlin, § 159, 3.
1694. Founding of University of Halle, § 159, 3.
1697. Frederick Augustus the Strong of Saxony becomes Catholic, § 153, 1.
1699. Propositions of Fénelon Condemned, § 157, 3.
1701. Thomas of Tournon in the East Indies, § 156, 12.
1702. Löscher’s “Unschuldige Nachrichten,” § 167, 1. Buttla Fanatical Excesses, § 170, 4.
1703. Collegium caritativum at Berlin, § 169, 1. Peter Codde deposed, § 165, 8.
1704. Bossuet dies, § 153, 7; 157, 3.
1705. Spener dies, § 159, 3.
1706. Founding of Lutheran Mission at Tranquebar, § 167, 9.
1707. The Praying Children at Silesia, § 167, 8.
1709. Port Royal suppressed, § 157, 5.
1712. Richard Simon dies, § 158, 1. Mechitarist Congregation, § 165, 2.
1713. The Constitution Unigenitus, § 165, 7.
1717–1774. Louis XV. of France, § 165, 5.
1715. Fénelon dies, § 157, 3.
1716. Leibnitz dies, § 164, 2.
1717. French Appellants, § 165, 7. Madame Guyon dies, § 157, 3. Gottfried Arnold dies, § 160, 2. Inspired Communities in the Cevennes, § 170, 2.
1721. Holy Synod of St. Petersburg, § 166. Hans Egede goes as Missionary to Greenland, § 167, 9.
1722. Founding of Herrnhut, § 168, 2.
1727. A. H. Francke dies, § 167, 8. Thomas of Westen dies, § 160, 7. Founding of the Society of United Brethren, § 168, 2.
1728. Callenberg’s Institute for Conversion of Jews, § 167, 9.
1729. Buddeus dies, § 168, 2. Methodist Society formed, § 169, 4.
1731. Emigration of Evangelicals of Salzburg, § 165, 4.
1740–1786. Frederick II. of Prussia, § 171, 4.
1741. Moravian Special Covenant with the Lord Jesus, § 168, 4.
1750. Sebastian Bach dies, § 167, 7. End of Jesuit State of Paraguay, § 165, 3.
1751. Semler, Professor in Halle, § 171, 6.
1752. Bengel dies, § 167, 4.
1754. Christ. v. Wolff dies, § 167, 3. Winckelmann becomes a Roman Catholic, § 165, 6.
1755. Mosheim dies, § 167, 3.
1758–1769. Pope Clement XIII., § 165, 9.
1759. Banishment of Jesuits from Portugal, § 165, 9.
1760. Zinzendorf dies, § 168, 3.
1762. Judicial Murder of Jean Calas, § 165, 5.
1765. Universal German Library, § 171, 4.
1769–1774. Pope Clement XIV., § 165, 9.
1772. Swedenborg dies, § 170, 5.
1773. Suppression of Jesuit Order, § 165, 9.
1774. Wolfenbüttel Fragments, § 171, 6.
1775–1799. Pius VI., Pope, § 165, 9, 10.
1775. C. A. Crusius dies, § 167, 3.
1776. Founding of the Order of the Illuminati, § 165, 13.
1778. Voltaire and Rousseau die, § 165, 14.
1780–1790. Joseph II., sole ruler, § 165, 10.
1781. Joseph’s Edict of Toleration, § 165, 10.
1782. Pope Pius VI. in Vienna, § 165, 10.
1786. Congress at Ems and Synod at Pistoja, § 165, 10.
1787. Edict of Versailles, § 165, 4.
1788. The Religious Edict of Wöllner, § 171, 5.
1789. French Revolution, § 165, 15.
1791. Wesley dies, § 169, 5. Semler dies, § 171, 6.
1793. Execution of Louis XVI. and his Queen. Abolition of Christian reckoning of time and of the Christian religion in France. Temple de la Raison, § 165, 15.
1794. Le peuple francais reconnait l’Etre suprème et l’immortalité de l’âme, § 165, 15.
1795. Founding of London Missionary Society, § 172, 5.
1799. Schleiermacher’s “Reden über die Religion,” § 182, 1.
1800. Stolberg becomes a Roman Catholic, § 165, 6.
1800–1823. Pope Pius VII., § 185, 1.
1801. French Concordat, § 203, 1.
1803. Recess of Imperial Deputies, § 192, 1.
1804. Founding of British and Foreign Bible Society, § 183, 4. Kant dies, § 171, 10.
1806. End of Catholic German Empire, § 192.
1809. Napoleon under Ban; the Pope Imprisoned, § 185, 1.
1810. Founding of American Missionary Society at Boston, § 184, 1. Schleiermacher professor at Berlin, § 182, 1.
1811. French National Council, § 185, 1.
1814. Vienna Congress. Restoration of the Pope, § 185, 1. Restoration of the Jesuits, § 186, 1.
1815. The Holy Alliance, § 173.
1816. Mission Seminary at Basel, § 184, 1.
1817. The Theses of Harms, § 176, 1. Union Interpellation of Frederick William III., § 177, 1.
1822. Introduction of the Prussian Service Book, § 176, 1. Lyons Association for Spreading the Faith, § 186, 7.
1823–1829. Pope Leo XII., § 185, 1.
1825. Book of Mormon, § 211, 12.
1827. Hengstenberg’s Evangel. Kirchenzeitung, § 176, 1.
1829. English Catholic Emancipation Bill, § 202, 9. Founding of Barmen Missionary Institute, § 184, 1.
1829–1830. Pope Pius VIII., § 185, 1.
1830. July Revolution, § 203, 2. Halle Controversy, § 176, 1. Abbé Chatel in Paris, § 187, 6.
1831–1846. Gregory XVI., Pope, § 185, 1.
1831. Hegel dies, § 174, 1.
1833. Beginning of Puseyite Agitation, § 203, 2.
1834. Conflict at Hönigern, § 177, 2. Schleiermacher dies, § 182, 1.
1835. Strauss’ first Life of Jesus, § 182, 6. Condemnation of Hermesianism, § 193, 1. Edward Irving dies, § 211, 10. Persecution of Christians in Madagascar, § 184, 3.
1836. Founding of Dresden Missionary Institute, § 184, 1.
1837. Emigrants of Zillerthal, § 198, 1. Beginning of Troubles at Cologne, § 193, 1.
1838. Archbishop Dunin of Posen, § 193, 1. Rescript of Altenburg, § 194, 2. J. A. Möhler dies, § 191, 4. English Tithes’ Bill, § 202, 9.
1839. Call of Dr. Strauss to Zürich, § 199, 4. Bavarian order to give Adoration, § 195, 2. Synod at Polozk, § 206, 2.
1840–1861. Frederick William IV. of Prussia, § 193.
1841. Schelling at Berlin, § 174, 1. Constitution of Lutherans separated from National Church of Prussia, § 177, 2. Founding of Evangelical Bishopric of Jerusalem, § 184, 8. Founding of Gustavus Adolphus Association, § 178, 1.
1843. Disruption and Founding of the Free Church of Scotland, § 202, 7.
1844. German-Catholic Church, § 187, 1. Wislicenus’ “Ob Schrift, ob Geist?” § 176, 1.
1845. Founding Free Church of Vaud, § 199, 2.
1845–1846. Conversions in Livonia, § 206, 3.
1846–1878. Pope Pius IX., § 185, 2–4.
1846. Founding of Evangelical Alliance in London, § 178, 3. Fruitless Prussian General Synod in Berlin, § 193, 3.
1847. Prussian Patent of Toleration, § 193, 3. War of Swiss Sonderbund, § 199, 1.
1848. Revolution of February and March, § 192, 4. Founding of Evangel. Kirchentag, § 178, 4. Founding of Catholic “Pius Association,” § 186, 3. Bishops’ Congress of Würzburg, § 192, 4.
1849. Roman Republic, § 185, 2. First Congress for Home Missions, § 183.
1850. Institution of Berlin “Oberkirchenrat,” § 193, 4. Return of Pope to Rome, § 185, 2. English Ecclesiastical Titles Bill, § 202, 11.
1851. Memorial of Upper Rhine Bishops, § 196, 1. Taeping Rebellion in China, § 211, 15.
1852. Conference at Eisenach, § 178, 2.
1852–1870. Napoleon III., Emperor of the French, § 203, 3, 5.
1853. The Kirchentag at Berlin acknowledges the Augustana, § 178, 4. Missionary Institute at Hermannsburg, § 185, 1. New Organization of the Catholic Hierarchy in Holland, § 200, 4.
1855. Sardinian Law about Monasteries, § 204, 1. Austrian Concordat, § 198, 2.
1857. The Evangelical Alliance in Berlin, § 178, 3.
1858. Disturbances in Baden about Service Book, § 196, 3. The Mother of God at Lourdes, § 188, 7.
1859. Franco-Austrian War in Italy, 204, 2.
1860. Persecution of Syrian Christians, § 207, 2. Abrogation of Baden Concordat, § 196, 2.
1861. The Austrian Patent, § 198, 3. Introduction of a Constitutional Church Order into Baden, § 196, 3. Radama II. in Madagascar, § 184, 3. Schism among Separatist Lutherans in Prussia, § 177, 3.
1862. Hanoverian Catechism Scandal, § 194, 3. Renan’s Life of Jesus, 182, 3. Württemberg Ecclesiastical Law. § 196, 6.
1863. Congress of Catholic Scholars at Munich, § 190, 10.
1864. Encyclical and Syllabus, § 185, 2. Strauss’ and Schenkel’s Life of Jesus, 182, 8, 17.
1865. The first Protestantentag at Eisenach, § 180, 1.
1866. Founding of the North German League.
1867. St. Peter’s Centenary Festival at Rome, § 185, 2.
1869. Irish Church Bill, 202, 10. Opening of Vatican Council, § 189, 2.
1870. Proclamation of Doctrine of Infallibility, July 18th, § 189, 3. Revocation of the Austrian Concordat, § 198, 2. Overthrow of the Church States, § 185, 3.
1871. Founding of the new German Empire, January 18th, § 197. The first Old Catholic Congress at Munich, § 190, 1. “The Kanzelparagraph,” § 197, 4. First Lutheran National Synod in the kingdom of Saxony, § 194, 1.
1872. Dr. Falk, Prussian Minister of Worship, § 193, 5. The Prussian School Inspection Law, § 199, 3. The Roman Disputation, § 175, 3. The German Jesuit Law, § 197, 4. Epidemic of Manifestations of the Mother of God in Alsace-Lorraine, § 188, 6.
1873. The four Prussian Ecclesiastical Laws, § 197, 5. Mermillod and Lachat Deposed from office, § 199, 2, 3. Constitution of Old Catholic Church in German Empire, § 190, 1.
1874. The Austrian Ecclesiastical Laws, § 198, 6. Union Conference at Bonn, § 175, 6.
1875. The Encyclical Quod numquam and the Embargo Act, § 197, 8. Berlin Extraordinary General Synod, § 193, 5. Pearsall Smith, § 211, 1.
1876. Marpinger Mother-of-God trick, § 188, 7. The Dutch University Law, § 202, 2.
1878. Leo XIII. ascends the Papal chair, § 185, 5. Organization of a Catholic Hierarchy in Scotland, § 202, 11. Congress of Berlin, § 207, 5. Amnesty to the recalcitrant Clergy of the Jura, § 199, 3. First appearance of the Salvation Army, § 205, 2.
1879. The Belgian Liberal Education Act, § 200, 6.
1880. Abolition of the “Kulturexamen” in Baden, § 197, 14. French Decree of March, § 203, 6.
1881. Robertson Smith’s Heresy Case, § 202, 8.
1882. The Confessional Lutheran Conflict with the Ritschlian School, § 182, 21.
1883. The Luther Jubilee, § 175, 10.
1884. The Belgian Clerical Education Act, § 200, 6. Conclusion of the “Kulturkampf” in Switzerland, § 199, 2, 3.
1887. Prussian and Hessian Governments conclude Peace with Papal Curia, § 197, 13, 15. Founding of Evangelical Bund, § 178, 5.
14–37. The Emperor Tiberius, § 22, 1.
41–54. The Emperor Claudius, § 22, 1.
44. Execution of James the Elder, § 16.
51. The Council at Jerusalem, § 18, 1.
54–68. The Emperor Nero, § 23, 1.
61. Paul’s Arrival at Rome, § 15.
63. Stoning of James the Just, § 16, 3.
64. Persecution of Christians in Rome, § 22, 1.
66–70. Jewish War, § 16.
81–96. The Emperor Domitian, § 22, 1.
98–117. The Emperor Trajan, § 22, 2.
115. (?) Ignatius of Antioch, Martyr, § 22, 2.
117–138. The Emperor Hadrian, § 22, 2. Basilides, Valentinus, § 22, 2, 4.
132–185. Revolt of Barcochba, § 25.
Abt.150. Celsus, § 23, 3. Marcion, § 27, 11.
138–161. The Emperor Antoninus Pius, § 22, 2.
155. Paschal Controversy between Polycarp and Amicetus, § 37, 2.
161–180. The Emperor Marcus Aurelius, § 22, 3.
165. Justin Martyr, § 30, 9.
166. (155?) Martyrdom of Polycarp, § 22, 3.
172. (156?) Montanus appears as a Prophet, § 40, 1.
177. Persecution of Christians at Lyons and Vienne, § 22, 3.
178. Irenæus made Bishop of Lyons, § 31, 2.
180–192. The Emperor Commodus, § 22, 3.
196. Paschal Controversy between Victor and Polycrates, § 37, 2.
202. Tertullian becomes Montanist, § 40, 2. Pantænus dies, § 31, 4.
220. Clement of Alexandria dies, § 31, 4.
235. Settlement of the Schism of Hippolytus, § 41, 1.
235–238. The Emperor Maximinus Thrax, § 22, 4.
243. Ammonius Saccus dies, § 25, 2.
244. Arabian Synod against Beryllus, § 33, 7.
249–251. The Emperor Decius, § 22, 5.
250. The Schism of Felicissimus, § 41, 2.
251. The Novatian Schism, § 41, 3.
253–260. The Emperor Valerian, § 22, 5.
254. Origen dies, § 31, 5.
255–256. Controversy about Heretics’ Baptism, § 35, 5.
258. Cyprian dies, § 31, 11.
260–268. The Emperor Gallienus. The Toleration Edict, § 22, 5.
262. Synod at Rome against Sabellius and Dionysius of Alexandria, § 33, 7.
269. Third Synod of Antioch against Paul of Samosata, § 33, 8.
276. Mani dies, § 29, 1.
284–305. The Emperor Diocletian, § 22, 6.
303. Beginning of Diocletian Persecution, § 22, 6.
306. Synod of Elvira, § 38, 3; 45, 2. Meletian Schism in Egypt, § 41, 4. Constantius Chlorus dies, § 22, 7.
311. Galerius dies, § 22, 6.
312. Constantine’s Expedition against Maxentius, § 22, 7. Donatist Schism in Africa, § 63, 1.
313. Edict of Milan, § 22, 7.
318. Arius is Accused, § 50, 1.
323–337. Constantine the Great, Sole Ruler, § 42, 2.
325. First Œcumenical Council at Nicæa, § 50, 1.
330–415. Meletian Schism at Antioch, § 50, 8.
335. Synod at Tyre, § 50, 2.
336. Athanasius Exiled. Arius dies, § 50, 2.
341. Council at Antioch, § 50, 2.
343. Persecution of Christians under Shapur II., § 64, 2.
344. Synod at Sardica, § 46, 3; 50, 2.
346. Council at Milan against Photinus, § 50, 2.
348. Ulfilas, Bishop of the Goths, § 76, 1.
350–361. Constantius, Sole Ruler, § 42, 2.
351. First Council at Sirmium against Marcellus, § 50, 2.
357. Second Council at Sirmium, Homoians, § 50, 3.
358. Third Council at Sirmium, § 50, 3.
359. Synods at Seleucia and Rimini, § 50, 3.
361–363. Emperor Julian the Apostate, § 42, 3.
362. Synod at Alexandria against Athanasius, § 50, 4.
366–384. Damasus I., Bishop of Rome, § 46, 4.
368. Hilary of Poitiers dies, § 47, 14.
373. Athanasius dies, § 47, 3.
379. Basil the Great dies, § 47, 4.
379–395. Theodosius the Great, Emperor, § 42, 4.
380. Synod at Saragossa, § 54, 2.
381. Second Œcumenical Council at Constantinople, § 50, 4. Ulfilas dies, § 76, 1.
384–398. Siricius, Bishop of Rome, § 46, 4.
385. Priscillian beheaded at Treves, § 54, 2.
390. Gregory Nazianzen dies, § 47, 4.
391. Destruction of the Serapeion at Alexandria, § 42, 6.
393. Council at Hippo Rhegius, § 59, 1.
397. Ambrose dies, § 47, 15.
399. Rufinus Condemned at Rome as an Origenist, § 51, 2.
400. Martin of Tours dies, § 47, 15.
402–417. Innocent I. of Rome, § 46, 5.
403. Synodus ad Quercum, § 51, 3. Epiphanius dies, § 47, 10.
407. Chrysostom dies, § 47, 8.
408–450. Theodosius II. in the East, § 52, 3.
411. Collatio cum Donatistis, § 63, 1.
412. Synod at Carthage against Cœlestius, § 53, 4.
415. Synods at Jerusalem and Diospolis against Pelagius, § 53, 4.
416. Synods at Mileve and Carthage against Pelagius, § 53, 4.
418. General Assembly at Carthage, § 53, 4. Roman Schism of Eulalius and Bonifacius, § 46, 6.
420. Jerome dies, § 47, 16. Persecution of Christians under Behram V., § 64, 2.
422–432. Cœlestine I., Bishop of Rome, § 46, 6.
428. Nestorius is made Patriarch of Constantinople, § 52, 3.
429. Theodore of Mopsuestia dies, § 47, 9. The Vandals in North Africa, § 76, 3.
430. Cyril’s Anathemas, § 52, 3. Augustine dies, § 47, 18.
481. Third Œcumenical Council at Ephesus, § 52, 8.
432. St. Patrick in Ireland, § 77, 1. John Cassianus dies, § 47, 21.
440–461. Leo I., the Great, § 46, 7; 47, 22.
444. Cyril of Alexandria dies, § 47, 6. Dioscurus succeeds Cyril, § 52, 4.
445. Rescript of Valentinian III., § 46, 7.
448. Eutyches excommunicated at Constantinople, § 52, 4.
449. Robber Synod at Ephesus, § 52, 4. Attack of Angles and Saxons upon Britain, § 77, 4.
451. Fourth Œcumenical Synod at Chalcedon, § 52, 4.
457. Theodoret dies, § 47, 9.
475. Semipelagian Synods at Arles and Lyons, § 53, 5.
476. Overthrow of the West Roman Empire, § 46, 8; 76, 6. Monophysite Encyclical of Basiliscus, § 52, 5.
482. Henoticon of the Emperor Zeno, § 52, 5. Severinus dies, § 76, 6.
484–519. The Thirty-five Years’ Schism between the East and West, § 52, 5.
492–496. Gelasius I., Bishop of Rome, § 46, 8; 47, 22.
496. Battle of Zülpich. Clovis baptized, § 76, 9.
502. Synodus Palmaris, § 46, 8.
517. Council at Epaon, § 76, 5.
527–565. Justinian I., Emperor, § 46, 9; 52, 6.
529. Synods at Oranges and Valence, § 53, 5. Monastic Rule of Benedict of Nursia, § 85. Suppression of the University of Athens, § 42, 4.
533. The Theopaschite Controversy, § 52, 6. Overthrow of the Vandal Empire, § 76, 3.
544. Condemnation of the “Three Chapters,” § 52, 6.
553. Fifth Œcumenical Council at Constantinople, § 52, 6.
554. Overthrow of the Ostrogoth Empire in Italy, § 76, 7.
563. Council at Braga, § 54, 2. St. Columba among the Picts and Scots, § 77, 2.
567. Founding of the Exarchate of Ravenna, § 46, 9.
568. The Longobards under Alboin in Italy, § 76, 8.
589. Council at Toledo under Reccared, § 76, 2. Columbanus and Gallus in the Vosges Country, § 77, 7.
590–604. Gregory I., the Great, § 46, 10; 47, 22.
595. Gregory of Tours dies, § 90, 2.
596. Augustine goes as Missionary to the Anglo-Saxons, § 77, 4.
597. St. Columba dies, § 77, 2. Ethelbert baptized, § 77, 4.
606. Emperor Phocas recognises the Roman Primacy, § 46, 10.
611–641. Heraclius, Emperor, § 52, 8.
615. Columbanus dies, § 77, 7.
622. Hejira, § 65.
625–638. Honorius I., Pope, § 46, 11.
636. Isidore of Seville dies, § 90, 2.
637. Omar conquers Jerusalem, § 65.
638. Monothelite Ecthesis of Heraclius, § 52, 8.
640. Omar conquers Egypt, § 65.
642–668. Constans II., Emperor, § 52, 8.
646. St. Gallus dies, § 78, 1.
648. The Typus of Constans II., § 52, 8.
649–653. Martin I., Pope, § 46, 11.
649. First Lateran Council under Martin I., § 52, 8.
652. Emmeran at Regensburg, § 78, 2.
657. Constantine of Mananalis, § 71, 1.
662. Maximus Confessor, dies, § 47, 13.
664. Synod at Streoneshalch (Syn. Pharensis), § 77, 6.
668–685. Constantinus Pogonnatus, § 52, 8; 71, 1.
677. Wilfrid among the Frisians, § 78, 3.
678–682. Agatho, Pope, § 46, 11.
680. Sixth Œcumenical Council at Constantinople (Trullanum I.), § 52, 8.
690. Wilibrord among the Frisians, § 78, 3.
692. Concilium Quinisextum (Trullanum II.), § 63, 3.
696. Rupert in Bavaria (Salzburg), § 78, 2.
711. The Saracens conquer Spain, § 81.
715–731. Pope Gregory II., § 66, 1; 78, 4.
716. Winifrid goes to the Frisians, § 78, 4.
717–741. Leo III., the Isaurian, Emperor, § 66, 1.
718. Winifrid in Rome, § 78, 4.
722. Winifrid in Thuringia and Hesse, § 78, 4.
723. Winifrid a second time at Rome, consecrated Bishop, etc., § 78, 4.
724. Destruction of the Wonder-working Oak at Geismar, § 78, 4.
726. Leo’s First Edict against Image Worship, § 66, 1.
730. Leo’s Second Edict against Image Worship, § 66, 1.
731. Gregory III., Pope, § 66, 1; 78, 4; 82, 1.
732. Boniface, Archbishop and Apostolic Vicar, § 78, 4. Battle at Poitiers, § 81. Separation of Illyria from the Roman See by Leo the Isaurian, § 66, 1.
735. The Venerable Bede dies, § 90, 2.
739. Wilibrord dies, § 78, 3.
741. Charles Martel dies, § 78, 5. Gregory III. dies. Leo the Isaurian dies.
741–752. Pope Zacharias, § 78, 5, 7; 82, 1.
741–775. Constantinus Copronymus, Emperor, § 66, 2.
742. Concilium Germanicum, § 78, 5.
743. Synod at Liptinä, § 78, 5; 86, 2.
744. Synod at Soissons, § 78, 5.
745. Boniface, Archbishop of Mainz, § 78, 5.
752. Childeric III. deposed, Pepin the Short, King, § 78, 5; 82, 1.
754. Iconoclastic Council at Constantinople, § 66, 2. Pepin’s donation to the Chair of St. Peter, § 82, 1.
755. Boniface dies, § 78, 7.
Abt.760. Rule of St. Chrodegang of Metz, § 84, 4.
767. Synod at Gentilliacum, § 91, 2; 92, 1.
768–814. Charlemagne, § 82, 2, 4; 90, 1, etc.
772–795. Pope Hadrian I., § 82, 2.
772. Destruction of Eresburg, § 78, 9.
774. Charlemagne’s donation to the Chair of St. Peter, § 82, 2.
785. Wittekind and Alboin are baptized, § 78, 9.
787. Seventh Œcumenical Council at Nicæa, § 66, 3. Founding of Cloister and Cathedral Schools, § 90, 1.
790. Libri Carolini, § 92, 1.
792. Synod at Regensburg, § 91, 1.
794. General Synod at Frankfort, § 91, 1; 92, 1.
795–816. Leo III., Pope, § 82, 3.
799. Alcuin’s disputation with Felix at Aachen, § 91, 1.
800. Leo III. crowns Charlemagne, § 82, 3.
804. End of the Saxon War, § 78, 9. Alcuin dies, § 90, 3.
809. Council at Aachen, on the Filioque, § 91, 2.
813–820. Leo the Armenian, Emperor, § 66, 4.
814–840. Louis the Pious, § 82, 4.
817. Reformation of Monasticism by Benedict of Aniane, § 85, 2.
820–829. Michael Balbus, Emperor, § 66, 4.
825. Synod at Paris against Image Worship, § 92, 1.
826. Theodorus Studita dies, § 66, 4. Ansgar in Denmark, § 80, 1.
827. Establishment of Saracen Sovereignty in Sicily, § 81.
829–842. Theophilus, Emperor, § 66, 4.
833. Founding of the Archbishopric of Hamburg, § 80, 1.
835. Synod at Didenhofen, § 82, 4.
839. Claudius of Turin dies. Agobard of Lyons dies, § 90, 4.
840–877. Charles the Bald, § 90, 1.
842. Feast of Orthodoxy, § 66, 4. Theodora recommends the outrooting of the Paulicians, § 71, 1.
843. Compact of Verdun, § 82, 5.
844. Eucharist Controversy of Paschasius Radbertus, § 91, 3.
845–882. Hincmar of Rheims, § 83, 2; 90, 5.
847. Archbishopric of Hamburg-Bremen, § 80, 1
848. Synod of Mainz against Gottschalk, § 91, 5.
850–859. Persecution of Christians in Spain, § 81, 1.
851–852. The Decretals of the Pseudo-Isidore, § 87, 2, 3.
853. Synod of Quiersy. Capitula Carisiaca, § 91, 5.
855. Synod at Valence in favour of Gottschalk, § 91, 5.
856. Rabanus Maurus dies, § 90, 4.
858–867. Pope Nicholas I., § 82, 7.
858. Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople, § 67, 1.
859. Synod of Savonnières, § 91, 5.
861. Methodius goes to the Bulgarians, § 73, 3.
863. Cyril and Methodius go to Moravia, § 79, 2.
865. Ansgar dies, § 80, 1.
866. Encyclical of Photius, § 67, 1.
867–886. Basil the Macedonian, Emperor, § 67, 1.
867–872. Hadrian II., Pope, § 82, 7.
869. Eighth Œcumenical Council of the Latins at Constantinople § 67, 1.
870. Treaty of Mersen, § 82, 5.
871. Basil the Macedonian puts down the Paulicians, § 71, 1. Borziwoi and Ludmilla baptized, § 79, 3.
871–901. Alfred the Great, § 90, 9.
875. John VIII. crowns Charles the Bald Emperor, § 82, 8.
879. Eighth Œcumenical Council of the Greeks at Constantinople, § 67, 1.
886–911. Leo the Philosopher, Emperor, § 67, 2.
891. Photius dies, § 67, 1.
910. Abbot Berno founds Clugny, § 98, 1.
911. The German Carolingians die out, § 82, 3.
911–918. Conrad I., King of the Germans, § 96, 1.
914–928. Pope John X., § 96, 1.
919–936. Henry I., King of the Germans, § 96, 1.
934. Henry I. enforced toleration of Christianity in Denmark, § 93, 2.
936–973. Otto I., Emperor, § 96, 1.
942. Odo of Clugny founds the Clugniac Congregation, § 98, 1.
950. Gylas of Hungary baptized, § 93, 8.
955. Olga baptized in Constantinople, § 73, 4.
960. Atto of Vercelli dies, § 100, 3.
962. Founding of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, § 96, 1.
963. Synod at Rome deposes John XII., § 96, 1.
966. Miecislaw of Poland baptized, § 93, 7.
968. Founding of Archbishopric of Magdeburg, § 93, 9.
970. Migration of Paulicians to Thrace, § 71, 1.
973–983. Otto II., Emperor, § 96, 2.
974. Ratherius of Verona dies, § 100, 3.
983–1002. Otto III., Emperor, § 96, 2, 3.
983. Mistewoi destroys all Christian establishments among the Wends, § 93, 9.
987. Hugh Capet is made King of France, § 96, 2.
988. Wladimir Christianizes Russia, § 73, 4.
992–1025. Boleslaw Chrobry of Poland, § 93, 7.
996–999. Pope Gregory V., § 96, 2.
997–1038. Stephen the Saint, § 93, 8.
997. Adalbert of Prague, Apostle of Prussia, dies, § 93, 13.
999–1003. Pope Sylvester II., § 96, 3.
1000. Olaf Tryggvason dies, § 93, 4.
Christianity introduced into Iceland and Greenland, § 93, 5.
Stephen of Hungary secures the throne, § 93, 8.
1002–1024. Henry II., Emperor, § 96, 4.
1008. Olaf Skautkoning of Sweden baptized, § 93, 3.
1009. Bruno martyred, § 93, 13.
1012–1024. Pope Benedict VIII., § 96, 4.
1014–1036. Canute the Great, § 93, 2.
1018. Romuald founds the Camaldulensian Congregation, § 98, 1.
1024–1039. Conrad II., Emperor, § 96, 4.
1030. Olaf the Thick of Norway dies, § 93, 4.
1031. Overthrow of the Ommaides in Spain, § 95, 2.
1039–1056. Henry II., Emperor, § 96, 4, 5.
1041. Treuga Dei, § 105, 1.
1046. Synod at Sutri, § 96, 4.
1049–1054. Pope Leo IX., § 96, 5.
1050. Synods at Rome and Vercelli against Berengar, § 101, 2.
1053. Epistle of Michael Cærularius, § 67, 3.
1054. Excommunication of Greek Church by Papal Legates, § 67, 3.
1056–1106. Henry IV., Emperor, § 96, 6–11.
1059. Pope Nicholas II. assigns the choice of Pope to the College of Cardinals, § 96, 6.
1060. Robert Guiscard founds the Norman Sovereignty in Italy, § 95, 1.
1066. Murder of Gottschalk, King of the Wends, § 93, 9.
1073–1085. Pope Gregory VII., § 96, 7–9.
1075. Gregory’s third Investiture Enactment, § 96, 7.
1077. Henry IV. as a Penitent at Canossa, § 96, 8.
1079. Berengar subscribes at Rome the doctrine of Transubstantiation, § 101, 2.
1086. Bruno of Cologne founds the Carthusian Order, § 98, 2.
1088–1099. Pope Urban II., § 96, 10.
1095. Synod at Clermont, § 94.
1096. First Crusade. Godfrey of Boulogne, § 94, 1.
1098. Synod at Bari. Anselm of Canterbury, § 67, 4. Robert of Citeaux founds the Cistercian Order, § 98, 1.
1099. Conquest of Jerusalem, § 94, 1.
1099–1118. Pope Paschalis II., § 96, 11.
1106–1125. Henry V., Emperor, § 96, 11.
1106. Michael Psellus dies, § 68, 5.
1109. Anselm of Canterbury dies, § 101, 1, 3.
1113. Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux, § 98, 1; 102, 3.
1118. Founding of the Order of Knights Templar. Knights of St. John, § 98, 7. Basil, head of Bogomili, sent to the stake, § 71, 4.
1119–1124. Calixtus II., Pope, § 96, 11.
1121. Norbert founds the Præmonstratensian Order, § 98, 2.
1122. Concordat of Worms, § 96, 11.
1123. Ninth Œcumenical Council (First Lateran), § 96, 11.
1124. First Missionary Journey of Otto of Bamberg, § 93, 10.
1126. Peter of Bruys burnt, § 108, 7.
1128. Second Missionary Journey of Otto of Bamberg, § 93, 10.
1130–1143. Pope Innocent II., § 96, 13.
1135. Rupert of Deutz dies, § 102, 8.
1139. Tenth Œcumenical Council (Second Lateran), § 96, 13.
1141. Synod at Sens condemns Abælard’s writings, § 102, 2. Hugo St. Victor dies, § 102, 4.
1142. Abælard dies, § 102, 2.
1143. Founding of the Roman Commune, § 96, 13.
1145–1153. Pope Eugenius III., § 96, 13.
1146. Fall of Edessa, § 94, 2.
1147. Second Crusade. Conrad III. Louis VII., § 94, 2.
1149. Henry of Lausanne dies, § 108, 7.
1150. Decretum Gratiani, § 99, 5.
1152–1190. Frederick I., Barbarossa, § 96, 14.
1153. Bernard of Clairvaux dies, § 102, 3.
1154. Vicelin dies, § 93, 9.
1154–1159. Hadrian IV., Pope, § 96, 14.
1155. Arnold of Brescia put to death, § 96, 14.
1156. Peter the Venerable dies, § 98, 1. Founding of Carmelite Order, § 98, 3.
1157. Introduction of Christianity into Finland, § 93, 11.
1159–1181. Pope Alexander III., § 96, 15, 16.
1164. Peter the Lombard dies, § 102, 5. Council of Clarendon, § 96, 16.
1167. Council at Toulouse (Cathari), § 108, 2.
1168. Christianity of the Island of Rügen, § 93, 10.
1169. Gerhoch of Reichersberg dies, § 102, 6, 7.
1170. Thomas Becket murdered, § 96, 16. Founding of the Waldensian sect, § 108, 10.
1176. Battle of Legnano, § 6, 15.
1179. Eleventh Œcumenical Council (Third Lateran), § 96, 15.
1180. John of Salisbury dies, § 102, 9.
1182. Maronites are attached to Rome, § 73, 3.
1184. Meinhart in Livonia, § 93, 12.
1187. Saladin conquers Jerusalem, § 94, 3.
1189. Third Crusade. Frederick Barbarossa, § 94, 8.
1190–1197. Henry VI., Emperor, § 96, 16.
1190. Founding of Order of Teutonic Knights, § 98, 8.
1194. Eustathius of Thessalonica dies, § 68, 5.
1198–1216. Pope Innocent III., § 96, 17, 18.
1202. Joachim of Floris dies, § 108, 5. Founding of Order of the Brothers of the Sword, § 93, 12. Genghis Khan destroys Kingdom of Prester John, § 72, 1.
1204–1261. Latin Empire in Constantinople, § 94, 4.
1207. Stephen Langton, Archbishop of Canterbury, § 96, 18.
1208. Peter of Castelnau slain, § 109, 1.
1209–1229. Albigensian Crusade, § 109, 1.
1209. Council of Paris against Sect of Amalrich of Bena, § 108, 4.
1212. Battle at Tolosa, § 95, 2.
1213. John Lackland receives England as a Papal Fief, § 96, 18.
1215–1250. Frederick II., Emperor, § 96, 17, 19, 20.
1215. Twelfth Œcumenical Council (Fourth Lateran), § 96, 18.
1216. Confirmation of the Dominican Order, § 98, 5.
1216–1227. Pope Honorius III., § 96, 19.
1217. Fourth Crusade. Andrew II. of Hungary, § 94, 4.
1223. Confirmation of Franciscan Order, § 98, 3.
1226. Francis of Assisi dies, § 98, 3.
1226–1270. Louis IX., the Saint, § 94, 6; 93, 15.
1227–1241. Pope Gregory IX., § 96, 19.
1228. Fifth Crusade. Frederick II., § 94, 5. Settlement of the Teutonic Knights in Prussia, § 93, 13.
1229. Synod at Toulouse, § 109, 2.
1231. St. Elizabeth dies, § 105, 3.
1232. Inquisition Tribunal set up, § 109, 2.
1233. Conrad of Marburg slain, § 109, 3.
1234. Crusade against Stedingers, § 109, 3.
1237. Union of the Order of Sword with that of Teutonic Knights, § 98, 8.
1243–1254. Pope Innocent IV., § 96, 20.
1245. Thirteenth Œcumenical Council (first of Lyons), § 96, 20. Alexander of Hales died, § 103, 4.
1248. Foundation stone of Cathedral of Cologne laid, § 104, 11. Sixth Crusade, Louis IX., § 94, 6.
1253. Robert Grosseteste dies, § 103, 1.
1254. Condemnation of the “Introductorius in evanglium œternum,” § 108, 5.
1260. First Flagellant Campaign in Perugia, § 107, 1.
1260–1282. Michael Paläologus, Emperor, § 67, 4.
1261–1264. Urban IV., Pope, § 96, 20.
1262. Arsenian Schism, § 70, 1.
1268. Conradin on the Scaffold, § 96, 20.
1269. Pragmatic Sanction of Louis IX., § 96, 21.
1270. Seventh Crusade, Louis IX., § 94, 6.
1271–1276. Pope Gregory X., § 96, 21.
1272. Italian Mission to the Mongols. Marco Polo § 93, 15. David of Augsburg dies, § 103, 10. Bertholdt of Regensburg dies, § 104, 1.
1273–1291. Rudolph of Hapsburg, Emperor, § 96, 21, 22.
1274. Fourteenth Œcumenical Council (second of Lyons), § 96, 21. Thomas Aquinas dies, § 103, 6. Bona ventura dies, § 103, 4.
1275. Strassburg Minster, § 104, 13.
1280. Albert the Great dies, § 103, 5.
1282. Sicilian Vespers, § 96, 22.
1283. Prussia subdued, § 93, 13.
1286. Barhabraeus dies, § 72, 2.
1291. Fall of Acre, § 94, 6. John of Montecorvino among the Mongols, § 93, 16.
1294. Roger Bacon dies, § 103, 8.
1294–1303. Boniface VIII., Pope, § 110, 1.
1296. Bull Clericis laicos, § 110, 1.
1300. First Roman Jubilee, § 117. Lollards at Antwerp, § 116, 2. Gerhard Segarelli burnt, § 108, 8.
1302. Bull Unam Sanctam, § 110, 1.
1305–1314. Pope Clement V., § 110, 2.
1307. Dolcino burnt, § 108, 4.
1308. Duns Scotus dies, § 113, 1.
1309–1377. Residence of Popes at Avignon, § 110, 2–4.
1311–1312. Fifteenth Œcumenical Council at Vienne, § 110, 2. Suppression of Templar Order, § 112, 7.
1314–1347. Louis the Bavarian, Emperor, § 110, 3, 4.
1315. Raimund Lullus dies, § 93, 17; 103, 5.
1316–1334. Pope John XXII., § 110, 3; 112, 2.
1321. Dante dies, § 116, 6.
1322. Split in the Franciscan Order, § 112, 2.
1327. Meister Eckhart dies, § 114, 1.
1334–1342. Pope Benedict XII., § 110, 4.
1335. Bishop Hemming in Lapland, § 93, 11.
1338. Electoral Union at Rheuse, § 110, 5.
1339. Union negotiations at Avignon. Barlaam, § 67, 5.
1340. Nicholas of Lyra dies, § 113, 7.
1341–1351. Hesychast Controversy in Constantinople, § 69, 1.
1342–1352. Pope Clement VI., § 110, 4.
1346–1378. Charles IV., Emperor, § 110, 4.
1347. Rienzi, § 110, 4. Emperor Louis dies, § 110, 4.
1348. Founding of University of Prague, § 119, 3.
1348–1350. Black Death. Flagellant Campaign, § 116, 3.
1349. Thomas Bradwardine dies, § 113, 2.
1352–1362. Pope Innocent VI., § 110, 4.
1356. Charles IV. issues the Golden Bull, § 110, 4.
1360. Wiclif against the Begging Friars, § 119, 1.
1361. John Tauler dies, § 114, 2.
1362–1370. Pope Urban V., § 110, 4.
1366. Henry Suso dies, § 114, 5.
1367–1370. Urban V. in Rome, § 110, 4.
1369. John Paläologus passes over to the Latin Church, § 67, 5.
1370–1378. Pope Gregory XI., § 110, 4.
1374. Dancers, § 116, 3.
1377. Return of the Curia to Rome, § 110, 4.
1378–1417. Papal Schism, § 110, 6.
1380. Catharine of Siena dies, § 112, 4.
1384. Wiclif dies, § 119, 1. Gerhard Groot dies, § 112, 9.
1386. Introduction of Christianity into Lithuania, § 93, 14.
1400. Florentius Radewin dies, § 112, 9.
1402. Hus becomes Preacher in the Bethlehem Chapel, § 119, 3.
1409. Œcumenical Council at Pisa, § 110, 6. Withdrawal of the Germans from Prague, § 119, 3.
1410–1415. John XXIII., Pope, § 110, 7.
1410–1437. Sigismund, Emperor, § 110, 7, 8.
1412. Traffic in Indulgences in Bohemia, § 119, 4.
1413. Papal Ban against Hus, § 119, 4.
1414–1418. Sixteenth Œcumenical Council at Constance, § 110, 6; 119, 5.
1415. Hus obtains the crown of martyrdom, § 119, 5.
1416. Jerome of Prague martyred, § 119, 5.
1417–1431. Pope Martin V., § 110, 7.
1420. Calixtines and Taborites, § 119, 7.
1423. General Councils at Pavia and Siena, § 110, 7.
1424. Ziska dies, § 119, 7.
1425. Peter D’Ailly dies, § 118, 3.
1429. Gerson dies, § 118, 3.
1431–1447. Pope Eugenius IV., § 110, 7.
1431–1449. Seventeenth Œcumenical Council at Basel, § 110, 8; 119, 5–7.
1433. Basel Compacts, § 119, 7.
1434. Overthrow of Hussites at Böhmischbrod, § 119, 7.
1438. Papal Counter-Council at Ferrara, § 110, 8. Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges, § 110, 9.
1439. Council at Florence, § 67, 6.
1448. Concordat of Vienna, § 110, 9.
1453. Fall of Constantinople, § 67, 6.
1457. Laurentius Valla dies, § 120, 1.
1458–1464. Pope Pius II., § 110, 11.
1459. Congress of Princes at Mantua, § 110, 10.
1464–1471. Pope Paul II., § 110, 11.
1467. Convention of Bohemian Brethren at Lhota, § 119, 8.
1471. Thomas à Kempis dies, § 114, 5.
1471–1484. Sixtus IV., Pope, § 110, 11.
1483. Luther born on November 10th, § 122, 1. Spanish Inquisition, § 117, 1. Close of Corpus juris canonici, § 99, 5.
1484–1492. Innocent VIII., Pope, § 110, 11.
1484. Zwingli born January 1st, § 130, 1. Bull Summis desiderantes, § 117, 4.
1485. Rudolph Agricola dies, § 120, 3.
1489. John Wessel dies, § 119, 10.
1492–1503. Alexander VI., Pope, § 110, 12.
1492. Fall of Granada, § 95, 2.
1493–1519. Maximilian I., Emperor, § 110, 13.
1497. Melanchthon born, § 122, 5.
1498. Savonarola sent to the stake, § 119, 11.
1502. Founding of University of Wittenberg, § 122, 1.
1503–1513. Pope Julius II., § 110, 13.
1506. Rebuilding of St. Peter’s at Rome, § 115, 13.
1508. Luther becomes Professor at Wittenberg, § 122, 1.
1509. Calvin born on July 10th, § 138, 2.
1509–1547. Henry VIII. of England, § 139, 4.
1511. Luther’s journey to Rome, § 122, 1. Council at Pisa, § 110, 13.
1512. Luther made Doctor of the Holy Scriptures and Preacher, § 112, 1.
1512–1517. Fifth Lateran Council, § 110, 13, 14.
1513–1521. Pope Leo X., § 110, 14.
1514. Reuchlin’s contest with the Dominicans, § 120, 4.
1516. Epistolæ Obscur. virorum, § 120, 5. Erasmus edits the New Testament, § 120, 6. Zwingli preaches at Mariä Einsiedeln, § 130, 1.
1517. Luther’s Theses, October 31st, § 122, 2.
1518. Luther at Heidelberg and before Cajetan at Augsburg, § 122, 3. Melanchthon Professor at Wittenberg, § 122, 5.
1519. Miltitz, § 122, 3. Disputation at Leipzig, § 122, 4. Zwingli in Zürich, § 130, 1. Olaf and Laurence Peterson in Sweden, § 139, 1.
1519–1556. Emperor Charles V., § 123, 5.
1520. Bull of Excommunication against Luther, § 123, 2. Christian II. in Denmark, § 139, 2.
1521. Luther at Worms, § 123, 7. Melanchthon’s Loci, § 124, 1. Beginning of Reformation in Riga, § 139, 3.
1521–1522. The Wartburg Exile, § 123, 8.
1522. The Prophets of Zwickau in Wittenberg, § 124, 1. Reuchlin dies, § 120, 4.
1522–1523. Pope Hadrian VI., § 126, 1.
1523. Thomas Münzer in Allstädt, § 124, 4. Luther’s contest with Henry VIII., § 125, 3. First Martyrs, Voes and Esch, § 128, 1. Sickingen’s defeat, § 124, 2.
1523–1534. Pope Clement VII., § 149, 1.
1524. Staupitz dies, § 112, 2. Carlstadt in Orlamünde, § 124, 3. Erasmus against Luther, § 125, 2. Diet of Nuremberg, § 126, 2. Regensburg League, § 126, 3. Hans Tausen in Denmark, § 139, 2. Founding of Theatine Order, § 149, 7.
1525. Eucharist Controversy, § 131, 1. Luther’s Marriage, § 129. Albert of Prussia, Hereditary Duke, § 126, 4. Founding of the Capuchin Order, § 149, 7.
1525–1532. John the Constant, Elector of Saxony, § 124, 5.
1526. Synod at Hamburg, § 127, 2. Torgau League, § 126, 5. Diet at Spires, § 126, 6. Disputation at Baden, § 130, 6.
1527. Diet at Odense, § 139, 2; and at Westeräs, § 139, 1.
1528. The Pact incident, § 132, 1. Disputation at Bern, § 130, 7.
1529. Church Visitation of Saxony, § 127, 1. Diet at Spires, § 132, 3. Marburg Conference, § 132, 4. First Peace of Cappel, § 130, 9.
1530. Diet at Augsburg. Conf. Augustana, June 25th, § 132, 6, 7.
1531. Schmalcald League, § 133, 1. Zwingli dies. Second Peace of Cappel, § 130, 10.
1532–1547. John Frederick the Magnanimous, Elector of Saxony, § 133, 2.
1532. Religious Peace of Nuremberg, § 133, 2. Farel at Geneva, § 138, 1. Henry VIII. renounces authority of the Pope, § 139, 4.
1534. Luther’s complete Bible Translation, § 129, 1. Reformation in Württemberg, § 133, 3.
1534–1535. Anabaptist Troubles in Münster, § 133, 6.
1534–1549. Pope Paul III., § 149, 2.
1535. Vergerius in Wittenberg, § 134, 1. Calvin’s Institutio rel. Christ., § 138, 5.
1536. Erasmus dies, § 120, 6. Wittenberg Concord, § 133, 8. Calvin in Geneva, § 138, 2. Diet at Copenhagen, § 139, 2. Menno Simons baptized, § 147, 1.
1537. Schmalcald Articles, § 134, 1. Antinomian Controversy, § 141, 1.
1538. Nuremberg League, § 134, 2. Calvin Expelled from Geneva, § 138, 3.
1539. Outbreak at Frankfort, § 134, 3. Reformation in Albertine Saxony, § 134, 4. Joachim II. reforms Brandenburg, § 134, 5. Diet at Odense, § 139, 2.
1540. The Society of Jesus, § 149, 8. Double Marriage of the Landgrave, § 135, 1. Religious Conferences at Spires, Hagenau, and Worms, § 135, 2.
1541. Carlstadt dies, § 124, 3. Interim of Regensburg, § 135, 3. Naumburg Episcopate, § 135, 5. Calvin returns to Geneva, § 138, 3, 4.
1542. Reformation in Brunswick, § 135, 6. National Assembly at Bonn, § 135, 7. Francis Xavier in the East Indies, § 150, 1. Roman Inquisition, § 139, 23.
1544. Diet at Spires, Peace of Crespy, Wittenberg Reformation § 135, 9. Diet at Westeräs, § 139, 1.
1545. Synod at Erdöd, § 139, 20.
1545–1547. Nineteenth Œcumenical Council at Trent, § 136, 4; 149, 2.
1546. Regensburg Conference: Murder of John Diaz, § 135, 10. Luther dies, February 18th, § 135, 11. Reformation in the Palatinate, § 135, 6.
1546–1547. Schmalcald War, § 136.
1547–1553. Edward VI. of England, § 139, 5.
1547. Hermann of Cologne resigns, § 136, 2.
1548–1572. Sigismund Augustus, of Poland, § 139, 18.
1548. Interim of Augsburg, § 136, 5. Adiaphorist Controversy, § 141, 5. Priests of the Oratory, § 149, 7.
1549. Consensus Tigurinus, § 138, 7. Andrew Osiander at Königsburg, § 141, 2. Jesuit Mission in Brazil, § 150, 3. The first Jesuits in Germany (Ingolstadt), § 151, 2.
1550–1555. Pope Julius III., § 136, 8.
1550. Brothers of Mercy, § 149, 7.
1551. Resumption of Tridentine Council, § 136, 8; 149, 2.
1552. Compact of Passan, § 137, 3. Outbreak of Crypto-Calvinist Controversy, § 141, 9. Francis Xavier dies, § 150, 1.
1553–1558. Mary the Catholic of England, § 139, 5.
1553. Elector Maurice dies, § 137, 4. Servetus burnt, § 148, 2.
1554. Consensus Pastorum Genevensium, § 138, 7. John Frederick the Magnanimous dies, § 137, 8.
1555. Religious Peace of Augsburg, § 137, 5. Outbreak of Synergist Controversies, § 141, 7.
1555–1598. Philip II. of Spain, § 139, 21.
1556–1564. Ferdinand I., Emperor, § 137, 8.
1556. Loyola dies, § 149, 8.
1557. National Assembly at Clausenburg and Confessio Hungarica, § 139, 20.
1558. Frankfort Recess, § 141, 11.
1558–1603. Elizabeth of England, § 139, 6.
1559. Gustavus Vasa’s Mission to the Lapps, § 142, 7. Confessio Gallicana, § 139, 14. The English Act of Uniformity, § 139, 6.
1560–1565. Pope Pius IV., § 149, 2.
1560. Confessio Scotica, § 139, 9. John a Lasco dies, § 139, 18. Calvinizing of the Palatinate, § 144, 1. Melanchthon dies, § 141, 10.
1561. Gotthard Kettler, Duke of Courland, § 139, 8. Religious Conference at Poissy, § 139, 14. Mary Stuart in Scotland, § 139, 10. Princes’ Diet at Naumburg, § 141, 11.
1562–1563. Resumption and Close of Tridentine Council, § 149, 2.
1562. Confessio Belgica, § 139, 12. The XXXIX. Articles of the English Church, § 139, 6. Calvinizing of Bremen, § 144, 2. Heidelberg Catechism, § 144, 1. Lælius Socinus dies, § 148, 4.
1564. Calvin dies, § 138, 4. Professio fidei Tridentinœ, § 149, 14. Cassander’s Union Proposals, § 137, 8. Maulbronn Convention, § 144, 1.
1564–1576. Emperor Maximilian II., § 137, 8.
1566. Catechasimo Romanus, § 149, 10. Confessio Helvetica posterior, § 138, 7. The League of “the Beggars,” § 139, 12.
1567. The writings of Michael Baius condemned, § 149, 13.
1570. General Synod at Sendomir, § 139, 13. Peace of St. Germains, § 139, 15.
1572–1585. Pope Gregory XIII., § 149, 3.
1572. John Knox dies, § 139, 11. Bloody Marriage of Paris, August 24th, § 139, 16.
1573. Pax dissidentium in Poland, § 139, 18.
1574. Maulbronn Convention, § 141, 12. Restoration of Catholicism in Eichsfelde, § 151, 1.
1575. Confessio Bohemica, § 139, 19.
1576. Book of Torgau, § 141, 12. Pacification of Ghent, § 139, 12.
1576–1612. Rudolph II., Emperor, § 137, 8.
1577. The Formula of Concord, § 141, 12. Restoration of Catholicism in Fulda, § 151, 1.
1578. The Jesuit Possevin in Sweden, § 151, 3.
1579. The Union of Utrecht, § 139, 12.
1580. Book of Concord, § 141, 12.
1582. Second Attempt at Reformation in Cologne, § 137, 6. Matthew Ricci in China, § 150, 1. Reform of Calendar, § 149, 3.
1585–1590. Pope Sixtus V., § 149, 3.
1587. Mary Stuart on the Scaffold, § 139, 10.
1588. Louis Molina, § 149, 13.
1589–1610. Henry IV. of France, § 139, 17.
1589. Patriarchate at Moscow, § 73, 4.
1592. Saxon Articles of Visitation, § 141, 13.
1593. Assembly of Representatives at Upsala, § 139, 1.
1595. Synod at Thorn, § 139, 18.
1596. Synod at Brest, § 151, 3.
1597. Calvinizing the Principality of Anhalt, § 144, 3. Congregatio de auxiliis, § 149, 13.
1598. Edict of Nantes, § 139, 17.
1600. Giordano Bruno at the Stake, § 146, 8.
1604. Faustus Socinus dies, § 148, 4.
1605. Landgrave Maurice calvinizes Hesse Cassel, § 154, 1. Gunpowder Plot, § 153, 6.
1606. The Treaty of Vienna, § 139, 10. Interdict on the Republic of Venice, § 156, 2.
1608. Founding the Jesuit State of Paraguay, § 156, 10.
1609. The Royal Letter, § 193, 19.
1610–1643. Louis XIII. of France, § 153, 3.
1610. Remonstrants and Counter-Remonstrants, § 160, 2.
1611. Pères de l’Oratoire, § 156, 7.
1612–1619. Matthias, Emperor, § 153, 1.
1613. Elector John Sigismund of Brandenburg goes over to Reformed Church, § 154, 3. George Calixtus in Helmstädt, § 159, 2.
1614. Confessio Marchica, § 154, 3.
1616. Leonard Hutter dies, § 159, 4.
1618. Monks of St. Maur in France, § 156, 7.
1618–1648. The Thirty Years’ War, § 153, 2.
1618–1619. Synod of Dort, § 161, 2.
1619–1637. Ferdinand II., Emperor, § 153, 2.
1620. The Valteline Massacre, § 153, 3. The Pilgrim Fathers, § 143, 2.
1621. John Arndt dies, § 160, 1.
1622. Francis de Sales dies, § 157, 1. Congregatio de propaganda fide, § 156, 9.
1624. End of Controversy over κένωσις and κρύψις, § 159, 1. Jac. Böhme dies, § 160, 2.
1628. Adam Schall in China, § 156, 12.
1629. Edict of Restitution, § 153, 2.
1631. Religious Conference at Leipzig, § 155, 4.
1632. Gustavus Adolphus falls at Lützen, § 153, 2.
1637. John Gerhard dies, § 159, 4. Rooting out of Christianity in Japan, § 156, 11.
1638. Overthrow of Racovian Seminary, § 148, 4. Cyril Lucar strangled, § 152, 2. Scottish Covenant, § 155, 1.
1641. Irish Massacre, § 153, 5.
1642. Condemnation of the “Augustinus” of Jansen, § 157, 5.
1643–1715. Louis XIV. of France, § 153, 2; 157, 2, 3, 5.
1643. Orthodox Confession of Peter Mogilas, § 152, 3. Opening of Westminster Assembly, § 155, 1.
1645. Hugo Grotius dies, § 153, 7. Religious Conference at Thorn, § 153, 7. Peace of Linz, § 153, 3.
1645–1742. Accommodation Controversy, § 156, 12.
1647. George Fox appears as Leader of the Quakers, § 163, 4.
1648. Peace of Westphalia, § 153, 2, Close of Westminster Assembly, § 155, 1.
1649. Execution of Charles I. of England, § 155, 1.
1650. Descartes dies, § 164, 1.
1652. Liturgical Reform of the Patriarch Nikon, § 163, 10.
1653. Innocent X. condemns the Five Propositions of Jansen, § 157, 5. Barebones’ Parliament, § 155, 2.
1654. Christina of Sweden becomes a Catholic, § 153, 1. John Val. Andreä dies, § 160, 1.
1655. The Bloody Easter in Piedmont, § 153, 5. Consensus repetitus fidei vere Lutheranœ, § 159, 2.
1656. George Calixtus dies, § 159, 2. Pascal’s Lettres Provinciales, § 157, 5.
1658. Outbreak of Cocceian Controversies, § 161, 5.
1660. Vincent de Paul dies, § 156, 8. Restoration of Royalty and Episcopacy in England, § 155, 3.
1661. Religions Conference at Cassel, § 154, 4.
1664. Founding of Order of Trappists, § 156, 8.
1669. Cocceius dies, § 161, 3.
1670. The Labadists in Herford, § 163, 7.
1673. The Test Act, § 153, 6.
1675. Formula consensus Helvetici, § 161, 2. Spener’s Pia Desideria, § 159, 3.
1676. Paul Gerhardt dies, § 154, 4. Voetius dies, § 161, 3.
1677. Spinoza dies, § 164, 1.
1682. Quatuor propositiones Cleri Gallicani, § 156, 1. Founding of Pennsylvania, § 163, 4.
1685. Revocation of Edict of Nantes and Expulsion of Waldensians from Piedmont, § 153, 4, 5.
1686. Spener at Dresden and Collegia philobiblica in Leipzig, § 159, 3. Abraham Calov dies, § 159, 4.
1687. Michael Molinos forced to Abjure, § 157, 2.
1689. English Act of Toleration, § 155, 3. Return of banished Waldensians, § 153, 5.
1690. The Pietists Expelled from Leipzig, § 159, 3.
1691. Spener in Berlin, § 159, 3.
1694. Founding of University of Halle, § 159, 3.
1697. Frederick Augustus the Strong of Saxony becomes Catholic, § 153, 1.
1699. Propositions of Fénelon Condemned, § 157, 3.
1701. Thomas of Tournon in the East Indies, § 156, 12.
1702. Löscher’s “Unschuldige Nachrichten,” § 167, 1. Buttla Fanatical Excesses, § 170, 4.
1703. Collegium caritativum at Berlin, § 169, 1. Peter Codde deposed, § 165, 8.
1704. Bossuet dies, § 153, 7; 157, 3.
1705. Spener dies, § 159, 3.
1706. Founding of Lutheran Mission at Tranquebar, § 167, 9.
1707. The Praying Children at Silesia, § 167, 8.
1709. Port Royal suppressed, § 157, 5.
1712. Richard Simon dies, § 158, 1. Mechitarist Congregation, § 165, 2.
1713. The Constitution Unigenitus, § 165, 7.
1717–1774. Louis XV. of France, § 165, 5.
1715. Fénelon dies, § 157, 3.
1716. Leibnitz dies, § 164, 2.
1717. French Appellants, § 165, 7. Madame Guyon dies, § 157, 3. Gottfried Arnold dies, § 160, 2. Inspired Communities in the Cevennes, § 170, 2.
1721. Holy Synod of St. Petersburg, § 166. Hans Egede goes as Missionary to Greenland, § 167, 9.
1722. Founding of Herrnhut, § 168, 2.
1727. A. H. Francke dies, § 167, 8. Thomas of Westen dies, § 160, 7. Founding of the Society of United Brethren, § 168, 2.
1728. Callenberg’s Institute for Conversion of Jews, § 167, 9.
1729. Buddeus dies, § 168, 2. Methodist Society formed, § 169, 4.
1731. Emigration of Evangelicals of Salzburg, § 165, 4.
1740–1786. Frederick II. of Prussia, § 171, 4.
1741. Moravian Special Covenant with the Lord Jesus, § 168, 4.
1750. Sebastian Bach dies, § 167, 7. End of Jesuit State of Paraguay, § 165, 3.
1751. Semler, Professor in Halle, § 171, 6.
1752. Bengel dies, § 167, 4.
1754. Christ. v. Wolff dies, § 167, 3. Winckelmann becomes a Roman Catholic, § 165, 6.
1755. Mosheim dies, § 167, 3.
1758–1769. Pope Clement XIII., § 165, 9.
1759. Banishment of Jesuits from Portugal, § 165, 9.
1760. Zinzendorf dies, § 168, 3.
1762. Judicial Murder of Jean Calas, § 165, 5.
1765. Universal German Library, § 171, 4.
1769–1774. Pope Clement XIV., § 165, 9.
1772. Swedenborg dies, § 170, 5.
1773. Suppression of Jesuit Order, § 165, 9.
1774. Wolfenbüttel Fragments, § 171, 6.
1775–1799. Pius VI., Pope, § 165, 9, 10.
1775. C. A. Crusius dies, § 167, 3.
1776. Founding of the Order of the Illuminati, § 165, 13.
1778. Voltaire and Rousseau die, § 165, 14.
1780–1790. Joseph II., sole ruler, § 165, 10.
1781. Joseph’s Edict of Toleration, § 165, 10.
1782. Pope Pius VI. in Vienna, § 165, 10.
1786. Congress at Ems and Synod at Pistoja, § 165, 10.
1787. Edict of Versailles, § 165, 4.
1788. The Religious Edict of Wöllner, § 171, 5.
1789. French Revolution, § 165, 15.
1791. Wesley dies, § 169, 5. Semler dies, § 171, 6.
1793. Execution of Louis XVI. and his Queen. Abolition of Christian reckoning of time and of the Christian religion in France. Temple de la Raison, § 165, 15.
1794. Le peuple francais reconnait l’Etre suprème et l’immortalité de l’âme, § 165, 15.
1795. Founding of London Missionary Society, § 172, 5.
1799. Schleiermacher’s “Reden über die Religion,” § 182, 1.
1800. Stolberg becomes a Roman Catholic, § 165, 6.
1800–1823. Pope Pius VII., § 185, 1.
1801. French Concordat, § 203, 1.
1803. Recess of Imperial Deputies, § 192, 1.
1804. Founding of British and Foreign Bible Society, § 183, 4. Kant dies, § 171, 10.
1806. End of Catholic German Empire, § 192.
1809. Napoleon under Ban; the Pope Imprisoned, § 185, 1.
1810. Founding of American Missionary Society at Boston, § 184, 1. Schleiermacher professor at Berlin, § 182, 1.
1811. French National Council, § 185, 1.
1814. Vienna Congress. Restoration of the Pope, § 185, 1. Restoration of the Jesuits, § 186, 1.
1815. The Holy Alliance, § 173.
1816. Mission Seminary at Basel, § 184, 1.
1817. The Theses of Harms, § 176, 1. Union Interpellation of Frederick William III., § 177, 1.
1822. Introduction of the Prussian Service Book, § 176, 1. Lyons Association for Spreading the Faith, § 186, 7.
1823–1829. Pope Leo XII., § 185, 1.
1825. Book of Mormon, § 211, 12.
1827. Hengstenberg’s Evangel. Kirchenzeitung, § 176, 1.
1829. English Catholic Emancipation Bill, § 202, 9. Founding of Barmen Missionary Institute, § 184, 1.
1829–1830. Pope Pius VIII., § 185, 1.
1830. July Revolution, § 203, 2. Halle Controversy, § 176, 1. Abbé Chatel in Paris, § 187, 6.
1831–1846. Gregory XVI., Pope, § 185, 1.
1831. Hegel dies, § 174, 1.
1833. Beginning of Puseyite Agitation, § 203, 2.
1834. Conflict at Hönigern, § 177, 2. Schleiermacher dies, § 182, 1.
1835. Strauss’ first Life of Jesus, § 182, 6. Condemnation of Hermesianism, § 193, 1. Edward Irving dies, § 211, 10. Persecution of Christians in Madagascar, § 184, 3.
1836. Founding of Dresden Missionary Institute, § 184, 1.
1837. Emigrants of Zillerthal, § 198, 1. Beginning of Troubles at Cologne, § 193, 1.
1838. Archbishop Dunin of Posen, § 193, 1. Rescript of Altenburg, § 194, 2. J. A. Möhler dies, § 191, 4. English Tithes’ Bill, § 202, 9.
1839. Call of Dr. Strauss to Zürich, § 199, 4. Bavarian order to give Adoration, § 195, 2. Synod at Polozk, § 206, 2.
1840–1861. Frederick William IV. of Prussia, § 193.
1841. Schelling at Berlin, § 174, 1. Constitution of Lutherans separated from National Church of Prussia, § 177, 2. Founding of Evangelical Bishopric of Jerusalem, § 184, 8. Founding of Gustavus Adolphus Association, § 178, 1.
1843. Disruption and Founding of the Free Church of Scotland, § 202, 7.
1844. German-Catholic Church, § 187, 1. Wislicenus’ “Ob Schrift, ob Geist?” § 176, 1.
1845. Founding Free Church of Vaud, § 199, 2.
1845–1846. Conversions in Livonia, § 206, 3.
1846–1878. Pope Pius IX., § 185, 2–4.
1846. Founding of Evangelical Alliance in London, § 178, 3. Fruitless Prussian General Synod in Berlin, § 193, 3.
1847. Prussian Patent of Toleration, § 193, 3. War of Swiss Sonderbund, § 199, 1.
1848. Revolution of February and March, § 192, 4. Founding of Evangel. Kirchentag, § 178, 4. Founding of Catholic “Pius Association,” § 186, 3. Bishops’ Congress of Würzburg, § 192, 4.
1849. Roman Republic, § 185, 2. First Congress for Home Missions, § 183.
1850. Institution of Berlin “Oberkirchenrat,” § 193, 4. Return of Pope to Rome, § 185, 2. English Ecclesiastical Titles Bill, § 202, 11.
1851. Memorial of Upper Rhine Bishops, § 196, 1. Taeping Rebellion in China, § 211, 15.
1852. Conference at Eisenach, § 178, 2.
1852–1870. Napoleon III., Emperor of the French, § 203, 3, 5.
1853. The Kirchentag at Berlin acknowledges the Augustana, § 178, 4. Missionary Institute at Hermannsburg, § 185, 1. New Organization of the Catholic Hierarchy in Holland, § 200, 4.
1855. Sardinian Law about Monasteries, § 204, 1. Austrian Concordat, § 198, 2.
1857. The Evangelical Alliance in Berlin, § 178, 3.
1858. Disturbances in Baden about Service Book, § 196, 3. The Mother of God at Lourdes, § 188, 7.
1859. Franco-Austrian War in Italy, 204, 2.
1860. Persecution of Syrian Christians, § 207, 2. Abrogation of Baden Concordat, § 196, 2.
1861. The Austrian Patent, § 198, 3. Introduction of a Constitutional Church Order into Baden, § 196, 3. Radama II. in Madagascar, § 184, 3. Schism among Separatist Lutherans in Prussia, § 177, 3.
1862. Hanoverian Catechism Scandal, § 194, 3. Renan’s Life of Jesus, 182, 3. Württemberg Ecclesiastical Law. § 196, 6.
1863. Congress of Catholic Scholars at Munich, § 190, 10.
1864. Encyclical and Syllabus, § 185, 2. Strauss’ and Schenkel’s Life of Jesus, 182, 8, 17.
1865. The first Protestantentag at Eisenach, § 180, 1.
1866. Founding of the North German League.
1867. St. Peter’s Centenary Festival at Rome, § 185, 2.
1869. Irish Church Bill, 202, 10. Opening of Vatican Council, § 189, 2.
1870. Proclamation of Doctrine of Infallibility, July 18th, § 189, 3. Revocation of the Austrian Concordat, § 198, 2. Overthrow of the Church States, § 185, 3.
1871. Founding of the new German Empire, January 18th, § 197. The first Old Catholic Congress at Munich, § 190, 1. “The Kanzelparagraph,” § 197, 4. First Lutheran National Synod in the kingdom of Saxony, § 194, 1.
1872. Dr. Falk, Prussian Minister of Worship, § 193, 5. The Prussian School Inspection Law, § 199, 3. The Roman Disputation, § 175, 3. The German Jesuit Law, § 197, 4. Epidemic of Manifestations of the Mother of God in Alsace-Lorraine, § 188, 6.
1873. The four Prussian Ecclesiastical Laws, § 197, 5. Mermillod and Lachat Deposed from office, § 199, 2, 3. Constitution of Old Catholic Church in German Empire, § 190, 1.
1874. The Austrian Ecclesiastical Laws, § 198, 6. Union Conference at Bonn, § 175, 6.
1875. The Encyclical Quod numquam and the Embargo Act, § 197, 8. Berlin Extraordinary General Synod, § 193, 5. Pearsall Smith, § 211, 1.
1876. Marpinger Mother-of-God trick, § 188, 7. The Dutch University Law, § 202, 2.
1878. Leo XIII. ascends the Papal chair, § 185, 5. Organization of a Catholic Hierarchy in Scotland, § 202, 11. Congress of Berlin, § 207, 5. Amnesty to the recalcitrant Clergy of the Jura, § 199, 3. First appearance of the Salvation Army, § 205, 2.
1879. The Belgian Liberal Education Act, § 200, 6.
1880. Abolition of the “Kulturexamen” in Baden, § 197, 14. French Decree of March, § 203, 6.
1881. Robertson Smith’s Heresy Case, § 202, 8.
1882. The Confessional Lutheran Conflict with the Ritschlian School, § 182, 21.
1883. The Luther Jubilee, § 175, 10.
1884. The Belgian Clerical Education Act, § 200, 6. Conclusion of the “Kulturkampf” in Switzerland, § 199, 2, 3.
1887. Prussian and Hessian Governments conclude Peace with Papal Curia, § 197, 13, 15. Founding of Evangelical Bund, § 178, 5.
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